Is Passion Limited?
Incidentally, the idea of repetitiveness ties into one of my core philosophies, which comes from a casual interest in astronomy, which I believe can best be phrased thusly:
"Dude, we're flying through fucking space on a planet at close to 600,000 mph, practically careening around the galaxy. We can't say for sure what's going to happen tomorrow because tomorrow we'll be over 13 million miles away from where we are now. And the crazy bit? We don't even know what most of the universe is made of."

So... predictable? I wish I could live for a million years because there is some crazy shit goin' on round here. Crazy shit! Problem is a lot of it is on a geological scale.

So I think there's passion a-plenty, but we aren't getting enough time to enjoy it all.

Now where is science with my damn immortality? That's what I want to know. Tick, tock, people! Ain't got all day for you to invent a way to transfer my consciousness into an immortal machine!

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