Is Passion Limited?
Hoofhurr Wrote:This is really no different than the "is art limited" discussion in my mind. If the new no longer excited me and new ideas stopped flowing I would be worried for myself.

The difference between this discussion and the "Art is Limited" discussion is this one is internal, the art discussion is external. They are similiar though.

I totally agree with what Slamz is saying (or at least I used to) but now that 50 is approaching I find it more and more difficult to keep the kind of passion for a multitude of things over when I was 40.

It doesn't happen over night, it is just a slow creep of pessimism that you can't stop. Maybe it is some kind of natural personal evolvement to help us deal with the fact that we are closer to the end of our lives.

Living 200 years sounds great when you are young. It isn't such a hot prospect when you are older.


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