Is Passion Limited?
Jokes aside, the physical aspects of aging does have allot to do with the passion or zest we have for life. Im not talking about the old legs and heart, but the chemical balances inside our brains.

I think there is a little Chicken egg thing going on. Does life's passions fade because of repetitiveness (Ive heard it all before) and in doing so change the state of our mind? Or does the chemical balances of our brain impact the mind so that we are less sharp and less inclined to have passion?

There are some interesting efforts going on right now in relation to giving HGH to older people. Not only is it helping them grow muscles and be physically fit, but their passion for life returns to levels that they had in their 20s. This to me points more towards a root cause of and aging chemical factory we call the human body, as ooposed to a phsycilogical perception that "Ive seen it all and there just isnt anything that lights my fire".

Medical science has only scratched the surface of the human brain and how its chemo-electrical mechanisms work. Perhaps in 200 years we will understand.

FYI, I saw that show, and it was well done.
Maul, the Bashing Shamie

"If you want to change the world, be that change."

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