SGU - StarGate Universe premier
Moristans Wrote:Honestly, I stopped watching SG after the first season because I got tired of every new alien planet with a Stargate looking suspiciously like Canada, full of aliens that were indistinguishable from humans speaking perfect English.

I'm seriously waiting for a truly groundbreaking show that gives us something in our aliens besides basically humanoid characters. I'm not talking about human-pick-your-earth-creature-hybrids either. I understand why people are comfortable with our aliens this way. Still, if we are exploring human nature through alien interactions, we don't necessarliy need our aliens to look or act anything like humans. We just need them to elicit recognizeable human responses. To me, they would be more interesting if we didn't have the pre-requisite hot, or goofy, or emotionless alien characters to deal with.

The episodes from various shows that I enjoyed the most are the ones where our human protagonists and antagonists are forced to deal with entities that either are or turn out to be completely alien in nature. The nature of Kosh is probably the reason why I enjoyed B5 as much as I did.

I guess you missed the big part of the plot that HUMANS ARE ALL OVER THE UNIVERSE, because they're used as hosts by the Goa'uld evil parasite race that has enslaved them, except for earth, that rebeled and buried their Stargate.
[should not have shot the dolphin]

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