SGU - StarGate Universe premier
Quote:I guess you missed the big part of the plot that HUMANS ARE ALL OVER THE UNIVERSE, because they're used as hosts by the Goa'uld evil parasite race that has enslaved them, except for earth, that rebeled and buried their Stargate.

No, maybe I'm one of the few people who actually enjoyed the movie despite my pet peaves. In the original movie, the evil alien became a parasite on Humans because Humans were cheap and easy to repair, thus effectively rendering him immortal. He was, surprise, quite humanoid himself. I'm not sure how the species became a parasitic worm in SG1, but all they did was make a Human-worm hybrid.

None of that even addresses the really annoying thing for me about SG1 that every planet with a stargate is a lush, green, Canada-like environment. I know, I know. It's filmed in Canada.

Quote:The production cost of doing a show featuring actual alien looking aliens would probably make the project unfeasible (or it would turn out like those awful Sci-Fi channel made for TV movies with terrible CGI/rubber suit aliens).

Production costs. I understand.

Quote:I mean, I liked Kosh, but he was basically a shower curtain. Not sure how many times you can get away with that

I liked the concept of Kosh, not necessarily how he was presented episode to episode. Kosh was a truly alien alien.

Quote:And English, well, I'm not sure how many episodes you can get out of, "Oh great another race of people we can only communicate with via hand gestures". That's where they just need to throw out the whole "we have universal translators...Asgard technology...very!" explanation and be done with it.

Got it. Understood.

The bottom line is this:

There is no reason to assume the usual television sci-fi paradigm that alien species are going to be anything like us in any way shape or form, with the need to interact with us as biological entities for any reason, even assuming identical biochemical processes. I completely understand the many reasons why the paradigm exists and I am capable of following plot devices that circumvent the biological reality that the paradigm itself is flawed. I'm even capable of enjoying shows that follow the usual paradigm which, currently, is every show ever made.

Like I said, somebody, someday, is going to make a truly original series that pulls it off.
Moristans: err

What the f*** Skelas - I know this is NSFW, but I coudn't watch this at work...


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