Women Drivers
By the way I applogize to any women that are good drivers out there. It was just a fun video. My wife and daughter are great drivers.

I have lived all over as well. And driven all over the world. I can say that there are geographic tendancies toward the idot drivers that exist everywhere. For instance

in St Louis, they simply can not grasp the concept of a 4 way stop or right of way.

In Dallas, Its all about the tailgate. It doesn't matter how fast your going, they are on your ass.

In Chicago theirs a little thing called the power merge, and the fact that traffic lights are just suggestions. And if you are in downtown Chicago and put your foot off the side walk and on the street, you are fair game for a little game called, Kill the idiot walking on the road.

In Boston / New England they dont seem to grasp the concept of lanes. I honestly think that some of them think the objective is to but the white lane line down the middle of the car.

In Mexico, they have the concept that if your behind them, then your not thier responsibility. Meaning, if I pass you, and cut you off, its not my fault, because its not my job to pay attention top anything behind me (this by the way works very well when every one is doing it. Drivers only worry about the other cars in front of them. The cars behind you are worried about you. Its not your job to care about them.
Maul, the Bashing Shamie

"If you want to change the world, be that change."

[Image: maull2.gif]

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