New TV - Plasma, LCD, or LED - Discuss!
Vanraw Wrote:
Breand Wrote:Yeah but they are constantly updating the PS3 with new changes. It's basically a PC. With a standalone BluRay player and Roku, you are stuck with whatever features you got at purchase. The things my PS3 does now that it didn't do the day it was released, is staggering. Patching a PS3 is simple.

Sorry, but you dont know what your talking about. Im not "xbox fanboy" but your obviously dont have one.

Xbox really is a PC. And it gets updates with new functionality all the time. Just got one this week added all the face book twiter etc to it. Again, Im not trying to get into an argument over whats better, cause I dont really care. But your not informed.

Err where in any sentence I wrote did I mention an Xbox? I admit Im kluging yours and Grizzles points together. I was specifically talking about standalone Blurays and Roku boxes. I am well aware that 360s can be upgraded. Im also aware that they have a 54% failure rate over their history, which is why I will never buy one. In Addition, depending on the chipset you have, like the one my Dad has, they sound like a jet engine taking off when you turn it on.

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