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Full Spectrum Warrior is pretty interesting. It's a tactical squad based game. You control 2 squads of modern infantry engaged in urban combat (Iraq style). You seem to fail the mission if any 2 of your guys go down. Your guys do not seem to be terribly good shots but apparently they carry like 500 clips so it's okay. Otherwise the game is definitely going for a "simulator" angle.

Although I wish there was a command for "move forward slowly and watch out for guys with machine guns who want to murder you". Usually if I lose someone it's because they were blindly going where I told them and didn't look both ways before crossing the street (which I thought ought to be implied behavior).

You'll need to open up the manual (right click the game from Steam for the manual) and print out the keyboard command list at the end, at least. The game itself doesn't seem to have a tutorial so really doesn't do much to help you get started. Ah yes, the good old days where we had to use manuals...

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