Best/Favourite movies of the year
Okay, since a couple of other threads delved into movies, and since I love movies 10000X more than games, what was the best movie you saw this year? (doesn't have to have been released this year).

I'll kick it off (disclaimer, thanks to kids and new babies, haven't seen much of anything this year not kid-related).

Best Movie - Avatar
Sure, the story is a rip off of Dances with Wolves, A Man Called Horse, and even The Mission. Doesn't matter. It was friggin' awesome. I want to see it again already.

Best Art-House/Foreign Flick - Let The Right One In
Forget Twilight (truly horrible) and True Blood (which I actually quite like). This is the definitive Vampire story.

Best Reboot - Star Trek
JJ Abrams deserves a medal for rescuing a franchise that hasn't been good since Khan was around. My favourite flick of the year before Avatar.

Best Guilty Pleasure - Shoot 'Em Up
Since it's fresh in my mind (watched it with the wife couple of days ago)...possibly the funniest, most entertaining, over the top, politically incorrect, tongue in cheek action movie ever. So ridiculous (and cheerfully aware of it), you can't not like it.

Best Kids Film Really For Adults - Up
<3 Pixar. Best opening 10 minutes of any kids movie ever.
Ex SWG, L2, CoH, Wow, and War
Currently PvPing in the stock market

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