Hello All,

My name is Halor, a level 42 Tuaren Shaman. /moo !

A little background before I respectfully request consideration of my application to The Purge.

I played EQ for about 5 years, starting off on Quellious as a Human Warrior before moving to Lanys and become a Dark Elf Cleric. I've been a part of some great guilds and met alot of great people.

After losing interest in EQ (finally broke that addiction!), I found DAOC where I was with a great guild on Percival, Midgard - Fist of the North. DAOC was a great game but I couldn't get into the PVE aspect much. RvR action was fantastic. I eventually lost interest and waited for the next big thing.

So WoW was it. And here I am Smile

I am an experienced player. I have a level 60 MC Mage, a level 55 Warlock, 40 Rogue on my Alliance server. I have a 42 Mage on another Horde server that I have no desire to revisit! And currently I have a level 42 Shaman and 23 Warrior on Crushridge.

I've always liked Horde more... too bad us Hordies lost the vote by 1 when our guild was deciding on whether to be Alliance or Horde!

Anyway, I am currently a member of Ogar Dejad, of which they are good people but not as active and there aren't too many of! As an active player I seek friends in which to have fun and slaughter Alliance with. So when I began to look around, Eggo suggested that I put my App in with The Purge.

After reviewing your code of conduct and what your guild is about, I feel that we would be a fine match due to the similarities that exist from my previous guilds. I have always valued the player more than the toon. Friendship over loot (my last EQ guild we actually would destroy an item if there was any dispute over it and if the dispute couldn't be resolved nice like). Loot and gold can be replaced, friends are hard to make and even harder to keep.

First chance I get I will /join your applicant channel.

*edit* Almost forgot! Whats in it for you? Why, you get a cute cuddley Tauren, who will stomp Alliance in the face on your command!

ps. I heal pretty good too... for a Shammy >.<



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