Application - Foshizzile (Sponsor = Chain)
Don't think I'll peg the verbosity meter but I'll give it a shot...

Name is Dee - like "Dee" Snyder or Billy "Dee" Williams...I am NOT metrosexual. I'm slightly middleaged at 39 - I'm not terminally angry yet but I do have a short fuse for ass clowns. I am a family man also so I fit right into the casual stereotype - except when it comes to leveling and gearing up to best fit the team or my role in it. I usually switch on beast mode until I'm at max level...can't help it, it's an ingrained trait to be first or figure things out. I've been in the military over half my life now (USMC, 21 years) so the occasional f-bomb my drop involuntarily. Another side effect is that I enjoy the relationships established with good people by way of the little pixelated baddasses in these fancy electronic typing machines. I am also firecely loyal to those relationships and don't mind lending a hand, in anyway I can, in game or in real life.

Gamewise - I started off with MMOs in GW, jumped to WOW where I was in Mobscene with Chain and Ninjagoat (You bastids better put in a good word for me!). I also did a few runs with Potto and Elowyn back then before burning out and seeking greener pastures in SWTOR. Love that game, but the server pop debacle led to the rest of my guild (cept Chain) heading back to WOW. I still enjoy that game, but it is a whole lot more fun when you have friends alongside to share in the face-smashing. I do enjoy PVP - nothing gets the blood pumping like facing off against a live, thinking opponent. I know my limitations and I'm not afraid to ask for help with spec tweaks or gearing advice. I respond well to criticism when my mic is muted or when I'm AFK... Seriously - I invite criticism in order to improve, but I treat others (and expect to be treated with) respect whether I'm on the giving or recieving end of said crticism. I will do whatever is required of me to benefit the team. I did my share of raiding in WOW as a tank, DPS and heals - whatever we were lacking at the time. I didn't start really getting into PVP until SWTOR...then everyone left me there. I'm anxious to begin anew with both new friends and old.

Bottom line - I'm here to have fun and its fun to win. It's exponentially more fun when you win alongside like minded folks while throwing out a few sarcastic comments in between pulls from a frosty mug of Shock Top. I'm a team player, I like to make the occasional wise crack to lighten the mood, I strive to be the best in whatever role I fill, and I think I would make a good addition to The Purge.


Oh yeah - "I read that whole post you said applicants should read"
Currently playing SWTOR
Foshizzile - 50 Rauder
Fated - 50 PTech
Ruatha - 50 Sorc

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