Smoove / Cyberkhan - 60 Priest / 60 Shaman
Hey guys,

Most of you probably don't remember me but I was a member way back when BBB merged with the Purge for a short while before I wanted to try end game raiding and joined DA.

Since that time I've experienced a lot with them which I can only salute and give respect to them for their accomplishments, but the raiding I participated in came at a cost as it burned me out playing a priest. Raiding would occur on a nightly basis and run on for anywhere from 4 to 6 hours everyday of the week and sometimes longer on weekends. Now I don’t have a problem raiding weekdays, but the toll I suffered was one of me going to bed almost every night at 12 or 1am and having to get up for work 4 to 5 hours later. In doing so my work started to suffer and I was constantly late and/or falling asleep while at work which is obviously not the way I want to perform at my job. I was forced to make a decision and that decision was to become inactive and effectively stop playing my priest.

I place no blame on DA for this, nor do I place any blame towards Kozuki for ultimately removing my priest from the guild for inactivity. For the most part he is a good raid/guild leader and DA is for strictly the hardcore player that wants to raid constantly for long periods of time which I was not up to the challenge due to how it was impacting my life at home and at work. I can only say good luck to them now.

Now I play a Shaman on a more casual tune and on MY TIME which allows me to log in or log out when I need to. I will occasionally run a shorter instance or pvp'ing from time to time. I enjoy it now and concern myself with spending time with the people that I play with when I'm in the game rather than the items I could possibly get.

So this is my shameless plug to find a home for my priest at least which I rarely play anymore but I am willing to log on if someone would need help doing something. I'm also hoping that at some point I can call the Purge home for my Shaman but it's not necessary at the moment.

Anyways, my apologies for the length of this post, and I hope to hear from some of you in-game.


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