Colt .45 ACP vs. M9 Beretta
This is an odd place/topic for a new guy to the Purge to post, but after reading the post on M-16 vs. AK 47... (I vote for M-14).. it brought up memories of arguments I had with my buddies about which was actually a better sidearm for the military and the private sector.

I voted for the Colt .45 ACP due to its superior impact/takedown and the fact that last I was aware Marine Force Recon guys choose it as well. Where as stock Marines are issued the 9mm. If the guys who are doing the killing choose to use one over the other than I tend to follow their lead.

I am curious to see how the Purge folk feel about this one.
I don't hunt deer with a .22 why would I try and kill a bad guy with one? Same goes for the 9mm. I would rather take down what I am shooting at with fewer shots. In an adrenaline rushed environment wounded guys are still dangerous.. I would rather hit them once and put them down. The whole firepower vs. ammo capacity argument I guess.

Figures the gun topic would get me to posting here more often.. heh lil hillbilly that I am.

I somehow missed this section to Purge forums. lol

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