Internet troubles
I am moving in a couple weeks and so far it looks like I am screwed. My online gaming may have to come to an end. I'm trying not to freak out.

So here is the deal. I live in a very rural area that doesn't have many options (internet or otherwise...). The only cable company is Time Warner cable which I am using in my current house, but my new road isn't wired for it. A guy checked the address and said the closest cable is 1.25 miles and it would cost me $44,000 to run cable to my house. Apparently there is a process where you can get a bunch of neighbors together to sign a petition and promise to sign up for cable, but I hear that takes a year at least.

My other option is dsl, but there is only one company that does it (Verizon) and they also don't have any houses wired on my road. I haven't been able to talk to anyone about getting it wired, but I am assuming it will be the same story as Time Warner.

So as far as I can tell my only options for internet are dial-up, which is too slow, and mobile broadband which has a download limit which prevents online gaming.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

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