Hoopak SWtor
Hi there. Looking to join the guild for star wars. I know Karne and have known him since high school. I was a member here but it has been a while and i couldnt remember what username i had so i had to create a new one. I have played a lot of online games for a long time. I am liking SWTOR and i think i will be here for a while. Looking foward to grouping and killin some jedi scum.

I have made a sith inquisitor and am level 6 now. just got on today. See yous in game.
I approve of this application
All long term Purge members must ultimately face the Diggles Test.
I think I'm running dry on my "you know Karne??!!?!" insults...

Welcome aboard?
Guild Wars 2: Fretty The Charming - Mesmer(currently inactive)
Rift: Nico - Cleric Extraordinaire // Fretty - Radical Rogue(currently inactive)
Eve: Fret V2 - EW Master of the Universe (currently inactive)
Your head, my lap. 'Nuff said.

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