Rift: Instant Adventure
I don't pay close attention to Rift. I had no idea they had done this:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://community.riftgame.com/en/2011/12/07/update-1-6-1-prepare-for-instant-adventure/">http://community.riftgame.com/en/2011/1 ... adventure/</a><!-- m -->

Sounds like an excellent idea. Watch the video at that link.

I'll sum up:
Log in. Join an "instant adventure". Bam, you're in a group, killing stuff.

I really wish SWTOR had this (and I'd wish it worked across all levels, not just "45+").

Trying to play SWTOR with my friend Ilonga really highlights what a pain the old quest system is. Unless we never play unless the other is on, we are always out of sync, always having to get back in sync (personalized storylines make this worse, since those can never be in sync). It would be a hell of a lot nicer if I could just log on, join her, or vice versa, and just play. Instead she has to join me on my shitty quests, which she already did, or vice versa, and that's just not as much fun.

I'm glad to see Trion, at least, seems to have at last understood this simple concept. Behold, 10 years of MMORPG development and someone remembers that people like to just be able to log on and play the game and not futz around with asshole quest givers.

I'm hoping the Guild Wars 2 PvE system will work like this as well. "What are you doing? Wait, I don't care. I'll just join you." That should be how these games work.

(Actually I don't know if you can join your friends easily on their instant adventures, versus pugging it, but if not, well, I have a really good idea...)
yea it does work out pretty well if that's what you want to do... you queue up and join a group and it teleports you to the group to complete the normal type of quests(kill 50 of this, collect 50 of these etc). About once every 6-7 normal quests you get a boss that scales with the number of people in your group.

It appears it starts out with one raid group, so anyone who joins gets put into the same group until that one is full... then it creates another. If someone leaves the first group then anyone who joins fills up the 1st group before getting into the 2nd. Once you do a few quests in an area, you get asked to teleport to the next area and it will teleport your entire raid to the next zone. Sometimes in the same zone different location, sometimes in a completely different zone.

I'm not sure if you can group queue into the instant adventures as I've never tried it and I don't really do them much.. BUT one of the cool things is sometimes you get put in the same area as the defiant instant adventure group, which could be some pretty fun PvP(20v20).

It works really well if your goal is to get into some mindless PvE as soon as you log in and do something in a group.
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Yep, every now and then you run into the Defiant Instant Adventure, and the bloodbath begins. It can be pretty fun. It's just another way to disguise the grind though, I do them alot to grind PA levels due to the simple fact it's constantly changing our goals which I find at least a little engaging.

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