Hi my name is Haniibal, i am applying for the guild because ive seen alot of good players and a couple of my friends from my current guild wish to join as well. I am a lvl 50 Maraurder, valor Rank 62, i am currently working to get BM gear and also dip my feet in the PvE content Of SWTOR, I am not specific to any spec, i play all 3 with equal PvP skill. As of Now i am Annihilation spec because i enjoy it the most for PvP
Hey, I believe I've met you before on Illum. Talk to any players on and get yourself on our Vent and grouping with us so others can get to know you.

All long term Purge members must ultimately face the Diggles Test.
Got a chance to group with Haniibal for a couple quick WZ matches today. This guy is a GOOD player. Didn't get him into Vent, but I think we should strongly consider him.

aka Jobatt

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