What a mustache!
I can tell that dudes DPS rotation is all fucked up.

Burnt to a crisp.
... and?
Gameless (for now)
It's difficult picturing you without a lady on each arm. That's cool though!
Gotta have one...

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Volktar - 80 Norn Guardian
Volktress - 80 Human Ranger
Painbow Brite - 80 Norn Mesmer
Volktist - 49 Sylvari Elementalist
You don't win the Game of Death by dying first. The name is misleading.
I can get a pretty sweet stache goin... but in the end I also like sex and the wife wont let me have both :evil:
Volktar - 80 Norn Guardian
Volktress - 80 Human Ranger
Painbow Brite - 80 Norn Mesmer
Volktist - 49 Sylvari Elementalist
Volktar Wrote:I can get a pretty sweet stache goin... but in the end I also like sex and the wife wont let me have both :evil:


I lost the beard (and what a glorious beard it was) and left the stash for all of 20 seconds before my wife popped here head in and said "You don't want to have sex ever again, do you."

20 seconds after that. No stash.
Gameless (for now)
I have a theory; the reason women want to control their men's facial hair because they can't grow any of their own.
You don't win the Game of Death by dying first. The name is misleading.
Chain Wrote:I have a theory; the reason women want to control their men's facial hair because they can't grow any of their own.
I'm pretty sure no woman wants to grow facial hair...

As for me, I have a full beard pretty much all the time... and when I say full beard, I mean goatee with 3-4 weeks + of growth every where else on my face. My wife doesn't care, although when I haven't the little bit of a mustache I have, she'll say it tickles her or whatever.

I can't grow much of a mustache... my reddish/blondish/brownish facial hair just doesn't do well with a mustache.
I don't own kid gloves.

Steam Friend Code : 1636490
OrsunVZ Wrote:I lost the beard (and what a glorious beard it was) and left the stash for all of 20 seconds before my wife popped here head in and said "You don't want to have sex ever again, do you."

20 seconds after that. No stash.
My wife is the opposite. The only reason I have a beard is because she likes it. Otherwise I would only have a mustache - which she also quite likes.
Zirak / Thanoslug in lots of MMOs
[Image: homicidal.jpg]
"Consensus: The process of abandoning all beliefs, principles, values, and policies in search of something in which no one believes, but to which no one objects; the process of avoiding the very issues that have to be solved, merely because you cannot get agreement on the way ahead." -Margaret Thatcher
Id have a full beard if Uncle Sam would let me.
Even if I had to give up sex, it would probably be worth it.
Volktar - 80 Norn Guardian
Volktress - 80 Human Ranger
Painbow Brite - 80 Norn Mesmer
Volktist - 49 Sylvari Elementalist
Quote:Even if I had to give up sex, it would probably be worth it.
I don't own kid gloves.

Steam Friend Code : 1636490
Strife Wrote:
Chain Wrote:I have a theory; the reason women want to control their men's facial hair because they can't grow any of their own.
I'm pretty sure no woman wants to grow facial hair...

But the reason women don't want facial hair is because women don't normally grow facial hair, if you can follow my logic. If women just grew facial hair naturally I bet most women would have facial hair, 'cause it's awesome.

I make Shinigami wear a goatee because if he doesn't he looks 9 years younger than he is, which makes me feel icky...
You don't win the Game of Death by dying first. The name is misleading.
Chain Wrote:
Strife Wrote:
Chain Wrote:I have a theory; the reason women want to control their men's facial hair because they can't grow any of their own.
I'm pretty sure no woman wants to grow facial hair...

But the reason women don't want facial hair is because women don't normally grow facial hair, if you can follow my logic. If women just grew facial hair naturally I bet most women would have facial hair, 'cause it's awesome.
Being that women shave their underarms & legs normally... no not really Wink

Quote:I make Shinigami wear a goatee because if he doesn't he looks 9 years younger than he is, which makes me feel icky...
Yea, I'm in the same boat...
I don't own kid gloves.

Steam Friend Code : 1636490
Zirak Wrote:
OrsunVZ Wrote:My wife is the opposite. The only reason I have a beard is because she likes it. Otherwise I would only have a mustache - which she also quite likes.

The beard she had no problems with. The stash though....

Which sucks, because I had this awesome magnum pi halloween costume ready to go...
Short shorts, hibiscus shirt, dockers, sidearm, aviators, chest hair, stash.... You can't do it with any of this things missing, otherwise you just look weird.
Gameless (for now)
OrsunVZ Wrote:The beard she had no problems with. The stash though....

[Image: MH027_1.jpg]
omg no. There's a norn facial model that looks like that too.

Stash WITH beard, is fine. It's the solo stash that wigs her out.
Gameless (for now)
Well if you just want to do it for Halloween then the solution is easy; grow out beard + stache, on Halloween shave exclusively the beard, shave the mustache on the following morning. You're both happy!
You don't win the Game of Death by dying first. The name is misleading.
Gameless (for now)
I'm bringing the Hitler 'stache back.
Waeloga-"Flab is my idol"
[spoiler][Image: hitler-worf-mustache.jpg][/spoiler]
Zirak Wrote:
OrsunVZ Wrote:I lost the beard (and what a glorious beard it was) and left the stash for all of 20 seconds before my wife popped here head in and said "You don't want to have sex ever again, do you."

20 seconds after that. No stash.
My wife is the opposite. The only reason I have a beard is because she likes it. Otherwise I would only have a mustache - which she also quite likes.

Ya, as a cleancut guy who cant really grow much, I've found way more women are into facial hair then cleancut guys.
[should not have shot the dolphin]

I have had my beard called 'epic' and 'most excellent' by complete strangers. Oh and my girlfriend has never seen me without it. I have been sporting it since February.
Kakarat Keys ~ Thief ~ Guild Wars 2
Kakarat ~ Shaman ~ WoW ~
Kakarat ~ Witch Hunter ~ WAR:AoR
Riona ~ Knight of the Blazing Sun ~ WAR:AoR
Kakarat ~ Swashbuckler ~ EQ2 ~ Venekor
Eef Eigten[F-18]~ 60 Aracoix Rogue ~ Shadowbane
Kakarat ~ 60 Ogre Warrior ~ EQ ~ VZ
That's a damn fine beard sir!
I don't own kid gloves.

Steam Friend Code : 1636490

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