Want to join purge (48 warrior )
Hey guys im a lvl 48 warrior leveling kinda fast i love to pvp and do instance or just hang with mates im fury spec love the dps but i do tank also but i heard that THE PURGE is the most feared guild by the allaince in cr so i thought i would love to be in the most feared pvp guild i love to pvp at my lvl its kinda hard to pvp heaps that waiting like 1 to 2 hours in the bg line at times Sad but im hoping i can join u guys and help out what i can. Im also aussie so i hope there are many aussie players that play the guild i was last in wasnt so when i was on no 1 else was
As far as I know, we have no Australians in guild. But we do have 1 from UK. Time zones do make a huge difference in your play time with others.

As has been said a few times around here, group with some of us and let us see how you play. If you can't find any of us on at the times you play, because we are not in your time zone, then you can decide where to go from there. Smile
[Image: Kylipso.png]
Time is money, friend!
Raejin/Fancypants is Aussie. I think he has a friend or two in the guild as well. I dont know he plays wacky hours omg. Yes the world revolves around me!!!
War: Kanish
Wow: Lowkki, Yash, Alioop
EQ: Oakenfold Perfecto <Defiant>
ok cool ill add them try and group up
Nice to see you post dude, try to get into a group with some of the guild when you can. Good luck with your apps.
hey almost lvl 50 now can people pst me around my lvl range so i can group up thanks guys
51 now Smile soon to be 52 ive grouped with a few of u guys got some vouchys trying to get more and just waiting for some answers from a officer Tongue
We grouped on Sunday (Iluyzhat, 60 Lock) in Un' Goro for a bit. Was fun. Wish we had a bit more time though. My suggestion is to keep trying to group. Our guild is great, but the timezones can be a hassle and we wouldn't want you disappointed if you can never seem to find a good group or raid because of that difference.

Anyway, was fun. Look me up again...Keep plugging.

Grouped in Aszhara for pvp raid, he had good battle sense and read the chat.

seems pretty casual as far as play style goes ..

keep grouping consistently and see if the purge mentality of play for fun first works for you... Smile
hehe it wasnt Aszhara it was ashnvale lol was fun lots of hks one dk Sad catchs yas around
He was perfectly willing to do some pvp against higher level opponents in Un'Goro the other night, seems like a good guy.
hehe they wear cloth i hit hard on them even tho i died lol 52 now Smile
So, is Urial what you aussies call a urinal in Australia?

If you dont know what a urinal in australia is. It is a fixture, typically one attached upright to a wall, used by men for urinating

see you in game
Kakarat Keys ~ Thief ~ Guild Wars 2
Kakarat ~ Shaman ~ WoW ~
Kakarat ~ Witch Hunter ~ WAR:AoR
Riona ~ Knight of the Blazing Sun ~ WAR:AoR
Kakarat ~ Swashbuckler ~ EQ2 ~ Venekor
Eef Eigten[F-18]~ 60 Aracoix Rogue ~ Shadowbane
Kakarat ~ 60 Ogre Warrior ~ EQ ~ VZ
lol lucky my name is urial then hehe when u ask me wat it ment i didnt read it right lol now i know ;P i knew that lol
hey guys just refreshing my post 1 bar from 56 and dam update still grouping and trying to get vouchys Smile gets easyer for groups as i lvl

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