Villhams Application
Howdy yalls. In case you couldnt tell by the topic subject, my name is Villham, and im applying to The Purge. I am a lvl 31 Orc Warrior. I am currently fury specd, but will be moving over to Arms at or around lvl 40. My professions are Skinning(224)/Enchanting(12). I enjoy both PvP, and PvE... however i like PvP more. My honor rank is currently Scout. I consider my self to be a decent PvPer and a fast lvler.

About me out of game, I am a 16 year old male from NY. I do sports year round. Other than that I work and play WoW. Not much else to say other than that Zukie is my hero being as he plays the best songs for me =)
Hehe Smile Thanks for the compliment, its best to try and group with a few of us so we can get to know you - we have lots of people of all levels.

Hope you make it aboard Smile
I gonna put a iron shirt, and chase satan out of eart'

Troll Paladins FTW

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