Hi, I'm Zan. I loiter around the purge TS a ton and play cRPG with a few lucky souls. I have a very flexible job (I pick my schedule), and go to the university early in the day 2 semesters a year. I'll be on a bit as I refuse to watch television and gaming is my passtime. I won't be naming myself Craphead or anything, and "I read that whole post you said applicants should read". Have pre-purchased GW2 and plan on joining the main guild in playing that. Hopefully. About PvE and PvP in MMO's, I don't care which I do. A healthy mix of both is fine. I enjoy exploring the game so I wont say buy Swtor and ONLY pvp or ONLY pve, I'd do both.
Good App in my opinion.
Rizxen - Master of Clones
Welcome aboard! You should have general forum access now.
I like playing strat games with Z.

I like bacon and gravy. Sweet meat drippings...mmmm....
Rizxen - Master of Clones

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