Youtube q
Dumb question, anyone know a way to FILTER foreign fucking videos? Like euro/russian stuff so it doesnt come up in search results?
[should not have shot the dolphin]
Good question. I'd love to know if there's a way to do this too.
Gameless (for now)
/random YouTube complaint

I hate how they don't show a Like/Dislike meter on the video selection screen. I've wasted time that could have been avoided in many instances by just letting me see that the video has 2 likes and 298 dislikes.

Facebook was a better Myspace. We need a better YouTube now.
especially with Youtube's buffering policies... what a joke. Hey, here's a 1080 res video, too bad you can't watch it - but slideshows are still relevant, right? Right!?
Gameless (for now)

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