Guild Wars 2 Application
Howdy folks.
I used to be in <The Purge> way back in vanilla wow. Back then I destroyed alliance on a nightly basis in AB as Stormstrike Shaman "Unurthed" and Mage "Volktar". Best time I ever had in a pvp guild. Rerolled with a buddy on a different server and its never been the same. Ive had some pretty decent and some pretty bad guilds since, spanning BC, WOTLK, Cata, Rift, SWTOR, and Tera. On a whim I decided to see if you guys were still around. Dont know if anyone remembers me, but Id love to re-join you folks in GW2.

PS. Flabbo still an asshat? :twisted:

Oh shit, this is the same forum too? My old mage name is still in the user list.
Of course I remember you. Purge for life.
Gameless (for now)
Once you're in The Purge, you're in The Purge. There is no need to re-apply just because we switched games.

And yeah, it's the same forum. Log in under your old name and you should still have permissions to see the other sub-forums.
You don't win the Game of Death by dying first. The name is misleading.
I tried... I have no idea what my old email was.
Im military and up until a few years ago my email changed at every unit. Cant remember what it was at that time.
Is there a way to reset it?
What was your old board username?
Its on page 5 of the user list
It's registered to an address.

If you want, I can change it to use a different address. Or if that's enough for you to remember your login you can update it yourself.

But like mentioned above, if you've already been part of The Purge (and weren't ejected), then no need to re-apply.
Ya, I definately dont have access to that email anymore. That internet provider email was like 5 or 6 houses ago X.X
Ill send you a PM with my work email. That one never changes. Thanks
Got it! Thanks!
Volktar - 80 Norn Guardian
Volktress - 80 Human Ranger
Painbow Brite - 80 Norn Mesmer
Volktist - 49 Sylvari Elementalist

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