Wanting to Join - Lors
Hi, I'm a lvl 60 frost/arcane mage
I was in SiNNeRs/Exitium until they disbanded, and now I'm looking for a new guild.
I'm interested in The Purge because I've seen it around and I've talked to Darkschneider, Hoofhurr, and a lvl 60 hunter who's name starts with K but I can't remember it right now.
I've done MC before and am looking for a more casual MC guild as well as a guild where I'll find guild mates in the battlegrounds.
I think I'm a qualified applicant because I know several of the members, I have a good bit of experience in most instances, and I think I'll be able to contribute as an active and able member.

Thanks for consideration, hope I can say more in /g with you guys.
You must have been talking to Karen.

Thanks for the app. Get with us in game.
War: Kanish
Wow: Lowkki, Yash, Alioop
EQ: Oakenfold Perfecto <Defiant>
I wasn't in Exitium for very long, but I've grouped with Lors before...s...anyway...he's a good guy, plays his class well. Not sure if he can meet the purge requirements as far as making fun of me goes, but all shall be revealed in time :wink:
"Nuthin gets me goin like a huge lizard chasin a cow..."

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