Minecraft in the real world
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this is some cool stuff. Nothing like using a simple game architecture to plan the change of the real world.
Maul, the Bashing Shamie

"If you want to change the world, be that change."

[Image: maull2.gif]
Great idea.
I guess the accessibility of minecraft for youth is the benefit here, but sketch-up is easier to learn, faster to use, more accurate, and you would actually have a usable work skill by the end of it.

I've used it to plan everything from packing the P.O.D. with all my boxes when I moved (and I new ahead of time that everything was going to fit). To designing outriggers for my kayak. To showing my clients what they could potentially do with our materials. To providing full schematics for architects to use in conjunction with their drawings.

I don't want to be a negative nancy, but to me, this is a great idea but it's a little bit like using a stapler to hammer in a nail. Yeah it works, but it ain't the best choice of tools.
Gameless (for now)
OrsunVZ Wrote:I guess the accessibility of minecraft for youth is the benefit here, but sketch-up is easier to learn, faster to use, more accurate, and you would actually have a usable work skill by the end of it.

I've used it to plan everything from packing the P.O.D. with all my boxes when I moved (and I new ahead of time that everything was going to fit). To designing outriggers for my kayak. To showing my clients what they could potentially do with our materials. To providing full schematics for architects to use in conjunction with their drawings.

I don't want to be a negative nancy, but to me, this is a great idea but it's a little bit like using a stapler to hammer in a nail. Yeah it works, but it ain't the best choice of tools.
Yea, you're spot on. This is just cool because it's using minecraft... it's not cool because it's the most effective way to do it.

Sketch-up is awesome... I design furniture with it... It's great for mapping out exactly how much of each type of material you need.
I don't own kid gloves.

Steam Friend Code : 1636490
The one advantage would be that after you created the model, any villager with rudimentary computer skills could go in and edit it to show something he thinks should be different. You can teach minecraft map editing in about 60 seconds but I imagine teaching villagers to use Sketch-up is tougher.

The goal, I thought, wasn't just to enable architects to build and show a 3-D model but rather to allow anyone from the community to easily go in, make some changes and display what their ideas were as well, without any serious overhead. These people may never in their lives need to use a 3-D model program again.
you'd be surprised how easy sketch actually is. You can get very advanced, but basic stuff is super simple. Let's build a flat soccer field in minecraft and sketch up. I'll do mine in a few seconds... how long would it take to build in minecraft? To me, this is really just saying hey, you guys are too stupid to understand anything more than how to stack blocks.

Give people a real tool, that really works. Not a toy that takes infinitely longer to do the job.

Remeber the article not to long ago about how a village was hacking ipads inside a couple of weeks, without any exposure to computers, or any instructions (not even an indication of how to turn on the device, or what it was used for)?
Gameless (for now)

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