60 First Sergant Undead Warrior
I know you guys aren't recruiting right now, but I felt like it would be ok if I just put up a app.

Basic Info

Talent Build:37-14
Current PvP Rank:First Sergeant
Current and previous guilds:Lamanites, Flame and Shadow
If you were in a previous guild, let us know why you left/got kicked. Guild was too small couldn't help me with instances or grouping(was the only active lvl 60).

I played a AB match with you guys and would like to join a PvP guild real bad and since "P v P" is hard to get into and they won't let me in. I've deciede to try for a better guild. I would like to do some PvPing with you guys even if your not recruiting cuz i'm sick and tired of getting in with random groups that never make a raid! If you guys do PvE, I also need help getting my Valor set. I have terrible equipment and can never get into a instance group that lasts the whole time for me to get my valor set. Sad

Thx for reading this App.
I am Rbackwards the all amazing warrior!
Hey man.. I'm gonna be trying to get my element set as well, so look me up in game and we'll see what we can do, okay? See ya then...
Like a marine, healing shammy's are teh few and teh proud. Well except for the proud part...
ok i'll send you a tell when i'm doing and need a shaman
I am Rbackwards the all amazing warrior!

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