I won an Oscar!
Okay, fine... Maybe they didn't actually interview me, and I just finally watched it and sonuva bitch, I'm not even in the background?! But this is where I work. HBO came and filmed us for a documentary and it just won the Oscar for best short documentary.


It does a decent job of showing what it's like. It's worth watching if you have access to HBO.

Edit: Fixed the link
That's cool! Link doesn't work, but still really cool nonetheless. Grats dude!
I don't own kid gloves.

Steam Friend Code : 1636490
Thanks! I was a noob at the time they were filming and didn't feel comfortable enough being on the phone, let alone with a giant camera in my face, so I opted out. Now I wish I didn't! I could have been a STAR! :roll:
Is that what you do?

I'll get HBO in a few months and try to watch it... it looks interesting, although I can only imagine will tug at the heartstrings...
I don't own kid gloves.

Steam Friend Code : 1636490
Yep! I've been doing it for about 2 and a half years.

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