New Application - Vanadium Level 56 Frost/Arcane Mage
Hey Guys!

Im Vanadium a level 56 frostie on Crushridge, currently from the guild BwR.

I am searching for more excitment from a guild, one where within the hours that I play, there is more than just me talking in Guildchat.

The things that keep me interested ingame are Battlegrounds, crafting im currently upto 265 Tailoring, and 260 Enchanting. I do enjoy the occasional Instance, but being from a small guild, I have been lacking the group experience I need.

MMO's are WoW are definatly not new to me. I currently have a level 60 Troll Shaman, a level 34 Tauren druid, and a level 23 undead priest, as well as I have been playing since release, and have been in the same guild BwR.

I think I would fit right in with you guys, as most of my guild mates have allready joined or are in the proccess of appplying.

Anuksa, Elindra if you see this post Hi, or any of my other guildmates =)

Good to see your app buddy!

Hopefully we can get you into some groups, I know your schedule is kinda random.

hit 60!!
Ask me about my shardsac.

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