Application - Varulfr - Orc Warrior
Hello all. Currently I have a 54 orc warrior on Crushridge. I am r/l friends with Zayl (Ghoste) and Ogreosh. They were both clanmates of mine on Stormreaver/Stormscale (Alliance). I have a 60 NE rogue there along with many 40+ alts. I have followed my friends here to play along side my "horde brethren" and I have to say I love being green. I have declined many a blind guild invite because being a former clan leader I value being part of a tight knit clan of friends. I go where my friends go. The only thing left to be said is I love PvP. It is the reason these types of games appeal to me (UO and DAoC veteran). I think I would make a good fit in your guild and have had nothing but pleasant experiences with members of the Purge that I have encountered in my travels thus far. I wish you all the best and hope to see more of you in the future. Thank you for your consideration.
Var is a good guy, good warrior, and a good friend. He will help alot , and is 1 more in the crew from stromscale

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