Warhammer Application
Hello folks, some of you may remember me from EQ, some from Shadowbane and some from last night (flab).

Rundown of games/guilds etc

Played EQ originally on the Cazic-Thule server and moved to Vallon Zek where I was a member of Illuvitae, Sect of Silence, Takish as a crappy elf enchanter named Aurras, and Happy Little Hug Factory as a halfling rogue named Finneny. I was in Torrent for about a month until the acct I was using was ganked.

Shadowbane where I met many of you, I was in Legion of Vallon and was a scout named Finneny. Played in other guilds in SB after LoV left the game with Flab and Sandy at my side (not sure if thats a good thing or not.) we merged with Shadow Syndicate, some of us broke off and formed our own nation and eventually merged into a guild named Dissent.

Played WoW on the Illidan server until I got bored ( I missed meaningful world pvp).

Played some EQ2, Vanguard, Age of Conan with Dissent as well.

On to serious business, I am going to play Warhammer and was looking for some mature people to play alongside who don't mind having a casual player with them. My issues are that I have crappy hours, I work out of town usually every other week so it is hard to commit to any set schedule.

I am pretty sure some people will vouch for me (hopefully). Looking forward to talking to some old friends/guildmates.

- finn
LOL! Aurras was my shemale "mommy" in <Illuvitae>! :wink:

When we all went over and played Shadowbane, the thing I remember about Finneny was when we would have all those practice skirmishes, and he would be flying above the crowd and picking people off. Usually it was me. :cry:

Great guy and would be an awesome addition. I can't think of anyone who didn't like him back on EQ even though he was a pureteamer!

Hi2u Aurras!
The CK Machine
[Image: HWL.gif]
Aye, Finn is good peeps.
Ck is not.
Waeloga-"Flab is my idol"

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