app for warhammer
Hello everyone!
Merix is what I'll be going by in WAR. I'm very into PvP. I've played alot of games. EQ, EQ2,FFXI, Ragnarok Online, Lotro, WoW, AoC and prolly a few more I don't remember the names of off the top of my head. I have high hopes for WAR.

I'm interested in joining your guild because lets face it WAR will be a team game. My friend is Siphen which from what I understand knew you guys from way back when, and i know his roommate Pazu also which i think is in your guild also.

I just got into the server at launch so if you have anymore questions feel free to msg me in the game. Thanks!

other then his mullet he is a good guy. I vouch
A mullet!?!?


The CK Machine
[Image: HWL.gif]
no no its ok, i got a haircut a while ago!

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