Mother Pus Bucket
Ok, we are all dorks here, so I'll share my anger. I'm an avid gamer of many stripes. I enjoy board games and have a deep love of table top strategy games. My favorite for a while has been WM/Hordes.

Well, new rules preview is out and it sucks monkey balls. In addition, they aren't even going to have rules for my primary armies (being Hordes armies) for over a year, so I get to wait a year to play with what I own.

I feel like I did when GW decided to kill off the squats. BAH!

I just need to vent.
Rizxen - Master of Clones
there there
[Image: epicuo4.jpg]
SC2 Beta - Zerg
Gnarnok - White Lion - R40/RR54 - Retired
Gnarnok - 70 Gladiator Rogue - Retired
Quote:Fuck this game *uppercuts board and sends pieces flying*
[should not have shot the dolphin]
Riz Wrote:I feel like I did when GW decided to kill off the squats. BAH!

Rumour is, squat rules are in the works. But probably just as a variation of the standard Imp Guard. IG Book comes out the end of this month.

There is a guy here in Ottawa that has a full squat army. Even converted his chimeras, fire teams, and sentinels to squat size models. He plays them using IG rules, but the look is awesome. His squat bikers (rough riders) are classic.

I will try and dig up some of the pics he has posted for you Riz.

PS: WTB more people to play Vassal 40k with!!! Managed to get a few more on board and have played some great games. But the more the merrier!
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Skaag51, Xbox Live
Skaag555, Steam ID

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