American Food
I don't know if I posted this last year when I saw it, but below is a link to the American food special at the grocery store chain here. This is what Europeans think we eat, apparently.

I like how it is almost exclusively junk food that you would only eat after a joint or two...

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not sure what this means.. but i think it's german for "this link is fooked"
Observe Adapt Overcome

Plooot - lvl 80 Thief
Ill Tempered Rabbit -lvl 41 Hammer Guardian
Illusionary Doolist - lvl 10 irritating Mesmer
Oh its asking for a zip code, didnt realize you needed that... Ill post some screenshots at the top, one sec.
well you know how us Yankees love our curry.....

I was in Britain for a few months years ago and in their supermarket one day they had a big stand with a sign that said "American Cakes" and it was all Entermann's products. At least Entermann's kicks ass tho.
What confused me the most was the bottle of pink glop called 'Hamburger Sauce'.
Yeah, the hamburger sauce and the baguette cheese and onion. You f00kers can pretty much get a McRib sandwich any time you want though.
Moristans: err

What the f*** Skelas - I know this is NSFW, but I coudn't watch this at work...

Jakensama Wrote:What confused me the most was the bottle of pink glop called 'Hamburger Sauce'.

Thousand Island dressing? (yuck)
That would be my guess, I find ketchup the most revolting thing on the planet and given the euros love for that vile substance I avoid trying sauces that are likely mixes of it.

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