Just an offshoot from the whole home schooling thing.

I'm in the process of reading the book called Outliers, seems to have some interesting concepts in regards to why some people succeed and others do not.

So far he's brought up the whole matter of Relative Age being born early in the year, you have a tendancy to succeed more than your peers born later in the year based on our cut off dates for school, sports etc.

And the 10,000 hour rule, where to become an expert, is not always based upon natural ability in that most experts in their fields have a similar thing in common that they were given the opporutity to put in around 10 000 hours (approximately 10 years of work) before becoming successful.

I know that there are always exceptions, but these are just general trends observed regarding very successful people and additionally have included a few independant studies to back it up.

Was just an interesting perspective on things.

The same guy wrote Tipping Point and Blink which I'll have to read later.
Trotts <-- Damn goldfish got stuck on my head.
Malcolm Gladwell has written some interesting books and has some interesting ideas that is for sure.


Riz says, "That's made of pure bacon and win!"

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