Why the Irish are so...
Dustie Wrote:
Vllad Wrote:
Dustie Wrote:Thudz is a hot blooded Irishman.

I knew he was Irish with out ever actually being told. It takes an Irishmen to understand one. Just ask Sigmund Freud, he couldn't figure us out either.

I guess I could wiki it, but can you just tell me what Freud said about Irishmen?

(I'm half Irish too)

Instead of derailing the other thread I will post the answer to that question here.

"This is one race of people for whom psychoanalysis is of no use whatsoever."
- Sigmund Freud (speaking about the Irish)

One of his followers said that Freud categorized people as "Irish and non-Irish." He did in fact have a dilemma with the study of Irish people.

Other quotes to illustrate exactly what make us Irish.

"The great Gaels of Ireland are the men that God made mad. For all their wars are merry, and all their songs are sad."
- G.K. Chesterton

"When anyone asks me about the Irish character, I say look at the trees. Maimed, stark and misshapen, but ferociously tenacious."
- Edna O'Brien

"It's not that the Irish are cynical. It's simply that they have a wonderful lack of respect for everything and everybody."
- Brendan Behan

"The Irish do not want anyone to wish them well; they want everyone to wish their enemies ill."
- Harold Nicolson

"Though the pen is mightier than the sword, the sword speaks louder and stronger at any given moment."
- Leonard Wibberley, Irish author of comic novel "The Mouse That Roared"

"A Kerry footballer with an inferiority complex is one who thinks he's just as good as everybody else."
- Author John B. Keane

"Making peace, I have found, is much harder than making war."
- Gerry Adams

"I spent 90% of my money on women and drink. The rest I wasted."
- Soccer superstar George Best

"You know, I have a theory about Charlie Haughey. If you give him enough rope, he'll hang you."
- BBC Ireland reporter Leo Enright.
Vllad, don't for get this quote.

"It's my Island!" -Stephan, the Irish fighter.

If you can guess what movie you, congratulations.
Kakarat Keys ~ Thief ~ Guild Wars 2
Kakarat ~ Shaman ~ WoW ~
Kakarat ~ Witch Hunter ~ WAR:AoR
Riona ~ Knight of the Blazing Sun ~ WAR:AoR
Kakarat ~ Swashbuckler ~ EQ2 ~ Venekor
Eef Eigten[F-18]~ 60 Aracoix Rogue ~ Shadowbane
Kakarat ~ 60 Ogre Warrior ~ EQ ~ VZ
Kakarat Wrote:Vllad, don't for get this quote.

"It's my Island!" -Stephan, the Irish fighter.

If you can guess what movie you, congratulations.

God said he would save me but I am pretty sure you're fucked.
My girlfriend is first generation Irish. I just try and keep her happy like any other girlfriend until I figure out what makes her tick.
Caveatum & Blhurr D'Vizhun.
[Image: glarebear_av.gif]
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wtf is first generation irish? some immigrant that went to live in ireland? why the hell would you choose ireland to immigrate to?
[should not have shot the dolphin]
Diggles Wrote:wtf is first generation irish? some immigrant that went to live in ireland? why the hell would you choose ireland to immigrate to?

Pretty sure Hoof meant first generation American from an irish family.
"You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass." - Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto

Every citizen should be a soldier. This was the case with the Greeks and Romans, and must be that of every free state.
-Thomas Jefferson

Spread my work ethic not my wealth.
Diggles Wrote:wtf is first generation irish? some immigrant that went to live in ireland? why the hell would you choose ireland to immigrate to?

If you are a welfare queen it might be appropriate since it is the little welfare child of the EU.
Family Guy: Museum of Irish Roots

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.adultswim.com/video/?episodeID=1616dedb31c000540a0fe0dcb301008d">http://www.adultswim.com/video/?episode ... dcb301008d</a><!-- m -->

Yeah just about all of my ancestors are of Irish heritage. My great great great grandfather was a full bloodied Irish Doctor who came here after pissing off someone or another in Ireland. He married a full bloodied Native American woman. Yes it's not just a family legend we have the records to prove it. No I don't know what tribe she was from since my family conveniently ignores that part of our bloodline. Based off of the tribes around the region I grew up in, I would guess she was either of one of the many Cherokee or Creek tribes in that area.
You can take Alabama Man to the bowling alley, where he drinks heavily and chews tobacco!
When wife asks him where he's been, just use the action button and Alabama Man busts her lip open!
"Shut up, Bitch!"
Yeah that's what I meant. Sometimes my thoughts get interrupted at work.
Caveatum & Blhurr D'Vizhun.
[Image: glarebear_av.gif]
[Image: sterb037.gif]
All this time I thought it was the German and Italian in me that gave me the most problems!
"Hamilton is really a Colossus to the anti republican party. Without numbers he is an host within himself. They have got themselves into a defile where they might be finished but too much security on the republican part will give time to his talents and indefatigableness to extricate them. We have had only middling performances to oppose to him. In truth when he comes forward there is nobody but yourself who can meet him. His adversaries having begun the attack he has the advantage of answering them and remains unanswered himself. For God's sake take up your pen and give a fundamental reply to Curtius and Camillas" - Thomas Jefferson to James Madison
I have Irish roots, been there 4 times and still have relatives over there.
Dustie Wrote:All this time I thought it was the German and Italian in me that gave me the most problems!

I married a German. You should hear us go at it sometimes.
"You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass." - Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto

Every citizen should be a soldier. This was the case with the Greeks and Romans, and must be that of every free state.
-Thomas Jefferson

Spread my work ethic not my wealth.
Mine likes to bitch at me in German so I am too busy translating what I did wrong to defend myself...

The only thing I inherited from my Irish side were a love of whiskey and a shortage of skin pigmentation.
Jakensama Wrote:Mine likes to bitch at me in German so I am too busy translating what I did wrong to defend myself...

It always starts off with just angry speeches in German. Just keep an eye out for phase two of the "solution".
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Skaag51, Xbox Live
Skaag555, Steam ID
Our new neighbors are polish, if she tries to annex their house I know to get the fuck out of dodge.
Jakensama Wrote:Our new neighbors are polish, if she tries to annex their house I know to get the fuck out of dodge.

Nothing a car bomb can't fix.
"You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass." - Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto

Every citizen should be a soldier. This was the case with the Greeks and Romans, and must be that of every free state.
-Thomas Jefferson

Spread my work ethic not my wealth.
Unfortunately the Italian side of my family wasn't in the mafia and the Irish side of my family wasn't in the IRA, so I never learned that skill.
Zouji Wrote:He married a full bloodied Native American woman. Yes it's not just a family legend we have the records to prove it. No I don't know what tribe she was from since my family conveniently ignores that part of our bloodline. Based off of the tribes around the region I grew up in, I would guess she was either of one of the many Cherokee or Creek tribes in that area.

This is actually very common. It is actually a misconception that most Irish immigrated to New York during the late 19th century. Even more migrated to Oklahoma during the land grabs. That is exactly where most of the native Americans from the east coast were migrated to as well. The end result is a bunch of Irish in this country have some nativie American blood in them.

Hell even a bunch of native Americans ended up take a bunch of Irish names. They lived side by side for 50 years up until the 1930's when many Irish migrated again out to California during the depression/dust bowl days.
Zouji Wrote:Based off of the tribes around the region I grew up in, I would guess she was either of one of the many Cherokee or Creek tribes in that area.

"Hamilton is really a Colossus to the anti republican party. Without numbers he is an host within himself. They have got themselves into a defile where they might be finished but too much security on the republican part will give time to his talents and indefatigableness to extricate them. We have had only middling performances to oppose to him. In truth when he comes forward there is nobody but yourself who can meet him. His adversaries having begun the attack he has the advantage of answering them and remains unanswered himself. For God's sake take up your pen and give a fundamental reply to Curtius and Camillas" - Thomas Jefferson to James Madison
Vllad Wrote:
Zouji Wrote:He married a full bloodied Native American woman. Yes it's not just a family legend we have the records to prove it. No I don't know what tribe she was from since my family conveniently ignores that part of our bloodline. Based off of the tribes around the region I grew up in, I would guess she was either of one of the many Cherokee or Creek tribes in that area.

. It is actually a misconception that most Irish immigrated to New York during the late 19th century. Even more migrated to Oklahoma during the land grabs. .

Far and Away (1992, Director Ron Howard)
Caveatum & Blhurr D'Vizhun.
[Image: glarebear_av.gif]
[Image: sterb037.gif]
A decent bit of them also migrated to the SE portion of the US. Granted their were already a decent bit of Irish people here in SE section of the US anyway. But as far as I know the ancestor that I was talking about moved around 1870 or so I think. Since he was a doctor I'm pretty sure he wasn't a poor farmer. Also as far as I know he came straight to the SE portion of the US. Granted all of this stuff is pretty much an educated guess. All I know for certain is that he was a full bloodied Irish doctor and that he married a full bloodied Native American. They settled around the SE portion of Alabama where they lived until they died at a ripe old age. Or at east he lived a long time. One of these days I need to do a in depth ancestry search because there as a lot I don't know about my families history.
You can take Alabama Man to the bowling alley, where he drinks heavily and chews tobacco!
When wife asks him where he's been, just use the action button and Alabama Man busts her lip open!
"Shut up, Bitch!"
Some nice quotes in the original post. I've always liked the Adams one, but then I find him to be a very interesting man. There are few people I've met that made me feel they actually WANTED to make a difference, that they worked for a noble goal that they felt was bigger than them, few people who oozed charisma but didn't seem to actually want the power more than to make things better. Adams is one of those few people. I've spent some time with the man, and I have the utmost respect for him, even when I have disagreed with him completely.

Still, Behan's quotes are funnier.
Rizxen - Master of Clones

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