Final Fantasy XI?
Anyone know anything about this?

I've never played a single FF game, but I'm told they're well liked.

FF XI is a MMORPG for the PC due out this month I believe. I've never really looked into it, but I'm kind of curious. FF has always been renowned for it's combat system and storyline, being a console game, so I'm wondering if the MMORPG incarnation could be worth checking out.
I loved FFs. I have played the origional as recently as 3 months ago prolly. I can't see them turning the FF games into a MMORPG. They were always cartoonish with turn-based combat, although I think 8 is the last FF I'm familiar with, but I would guess 9 and 10 were turn-based too. I only own FF1, and FF5, but have played 2, 3, 7 and watched FF-Tactics(8?9?) over someones shoulder.

If they make a FF MMORPG, I couldn't possibly think of what would make it like the other 10 games. Of course just NAMING it FF-MMORPG would get people to buy it.

The world/planet/setting changed every game.

The classes of characters you played changed every game.
- FF1 had classes ie Fighter, Ninja, Black Mage, White Mage, etc.
- FF5 had characters, and they had special abilities that each could do.

The magic system was different each game
- FF1 just allowed 3spells/level that you bought from a store.
- FF5 you researched Vespers(magical creatures) to gain spells.

I would guess that a MMORPG would have nothing in common with the rest of the series, but if you look at it in the aspect that any one of the series has had nothing in common with any of the other games in the series, then I guess regardless of how it changes it will be similar in that aspect....

You got a good link to an official site for it?
I have been a FF fan for a long time now... FF 7 and 8 were both more a full motion video type of game that still had time/turn based combat. FF9 went back to the old roots with black mages, etc... but it didn't do to well. From what I have heard (it is PS2 only) FF10 is AWESOME. I hope they put it over to pc at some point because i would love to check it out.

My only concern for an MMORPG based on FF would be how it is driven. FF games tell some of the best stories you will EVER see in a video game. They are some of the few games that I actually get so drawn into that I care about what happens to the characters in game. In FF7, one of the characters dies about mid-way through... and I was legitimately sad that it happened. FF/Squaresoft's strongest talent is the great stories behind their games... I just wonder how that will translate into and MMO.

Other great Squaresoft games:
all FF's (never played 9 or 10)
ChronoTrigger (haven't played ChronoCross, but it looked damn good)
Parasite Eve
Legend of Mana
etc. etc.
Also, for some decent FF info...

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The stories are definitely the shit. Hehe, I think the first time that the chick from FF5 turned into a vesper and flew off the mountain I almost cried =)

Thanks for the link
FF XI didn't do very well in Japan. Problem being is that it doesn't really bring anything new to the MMORPG world. Yes, it brings a bit of it's own flair with chocobo's and spell lists but it doesn't seem to be enough to capture a good hold on the market.

FF10 is said to be one of the best FF to date, and the best since 6. Many of my friends have played it thru and some have played it more than once. FF10-2 (no, it's not FF 12 but a sequel to 10) should be very cool and FF12 has been rumored to be over the top.

As for the MMORPG, I do not believe it has any kind of PvP.. only PvE.

btw, FF tactics is its own line of games. It's seperate from the standard FF line because of the combat system where you move around a map based of you movement and try to use more tactics rather than the "red rover" method. Like you can get in a fight w/ 1 of your group of 2 characters being on the right side of the battle map and a second group being on the left side and have to fight the baddies that are all hidden around the map and up on buildings. The fights can get really damn hard and take a *very* long time. I spent a good hour on some of them. It's my fav FF game so far, just for note.
~ Krym | ~ Sigmire | ~ Kurgan
lvl: 31 warlock

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