60 Arcane-Fire Mage
Hello all,

I am a 60 mage/21druid(gottkuh). I have been at this game since it first went public (though I spent half the time deployed). I was once an avid player of Eq until about 2002, and this game looked like it had the same appeal.
I helped start a guild, that tanked as all the ppl that started it tended to lvl faster, then the ppl we brought in. Sharkswithfreakinlasers is still around, but they remain a low lvl guild.
I joined Underworld, who has alot of great ppl....however, they suffer from lack of coordination, and their typical raid leader, emotep, while very good at playing, suffers from a lack of experience in leading raids.

I am looking for a guild that has experienced raid leaders, plenty of level 60s so that I can attain my equipment goals, and the support neccessary to do pve/pvp raids. I would hope that they are guild-minded and that it is commonplace for items neccessary to be donated by members to a guild bank or directly to other members. I have a very low tolerance for selfishness, I believe that if we help each other out, whereas we may not get that extra 100g, a member of our guild will become stronger, thus making us stronger as a whole, and of course, if a guild walks in that policy, eventually everything evens out.

I do not know, in fact, if this is the guild for me, and I will follow responses to this post(hopefully there are some) to determine that. I would not want to join a guild that I would desire to leave immediately, bad for everyone involved if I did ;P

Machtfeuer (The Arcane GOD)
Quote:I am looking for a guild that has experienced raid leaders, plenty of level 60s so that I can attain my equipment goals, and the support neccessary to do pve/pvp raids.

Are you looking for a guild that has this already or is in the very beginning stages of having this in the future? A number of us here probobly have very similiar goals that you have, but some of us do not. Those of us that do are starting to do something about it and if you want to be a part of that then this is the place for you. If you're looking for something already established and proved successful then you would be better off in one of the more hardcore guilds.

I'm leading an MC raid on Tuesday. Contact me in game for details if you would like to attend and maybe get to know the Purge a little bit better.
60 Troll Priest
300 Alchemy/Herbalsim
~The Purge~
I chose to apply to this guild and ONLY to this guild b/c I know many of the players that started this guild are experienced Eq-ers. Unfortunately, I can not make plans for long raids on mon-thrs this week, normally just mon-wed, b/c I have things in RL that interfere with gaming on those evenings, I am usually on and avail for short raids on those days. I understand that very few ppl have experience raid-leading the big three Onyxia/MC/BWL. However, I would expect that there are sufficient ppl that at least understand the core concepts of raiding i.e. DnD based class-positioning, mage-tanking (utterly useless in the big three) etc. The members of this guild that I have enjoyed instancing with many times, such as you (Raduk), Karne (Karen..heh, that was a funny post), and mortalsin, chain (this guy is sick ;P) all seem to understand and play very well...forgive me for leaving many ppl out, these three stick out, b/c I was talking to one and raiding with the others this evening and chain, b/c I have never been so impressed with a healer (he even has a post on my old guilds site from me). However, like this evening sometimes experience in leading a raid needs to come to play in strategizing to get through parts. I can get away with saying this b/c Quickness is not in The Purge, but he had no clue what we were up against so we wiped, I stepped in after to tell ppl how to take him down, and he was defeated quickly and easily with noone dying. MC is a test of endurance, it takes a focused group that will not get discouraged every time they wipe. I was playing Eq during the Kunark expansion, originally, ppl thought that Valsheen's Peak was impossible, now it is viewed as the simplest raid in the game, the change...raid communication and leadership made drastic leaps as raids became increasingly difficult. VP in retrospect was no more difficult than some of the low lvl instances in this game ;P. I simply desire the people that would lead such a raid to have the patience and discipline to handle the stress of the players in the raid and keep the group organized, I would hardly expect that the leader have all the strategies down for an instance that he/she has never lead (if they have ever been at all).

I am not interested in the established guilds, I have been invited to apply many times, but it does not suit me, I have never been past the beginning of MC and do not wish to join a guild, that already is "established" their ability there. I want to be a part of getting a group to that point, not become a tag-along on an already successful group.

The Purge has an established PvP name throughout the game, I would like to help establish a PvE name for it as well. Anyway, I feel like I am spinning in circles and anyone reading prolly wants me to shut the f*** up. Respond or send me an in game tell if there is anything planned for friday-sun this week.
BTW, I am 315skinning/300 Tribal Leatherworking ;P
Thanks for the interest in the guild, Mach. You sound like a decent enough guy. Look me up in game sometime, perhaps we get get a raid going somewhere so you can get to know a few of us a little better, and visa versa.
Gameless (for now)
Macht's a good guy. In fact most the people I have met in Underworld are good peeps. He is definately worth taking a look at.

I like to lead pvp raids =) And will probably help Raduk a little with the first part of MC. Also, Zul'gurub excites me and I will probably be leading raids on that a bit too =).

Sound like you have the experience to be a valuable assest to our guild. Be aware though that we might not satisfy your raid needs if you prefer to raid every night. Right now we raid probably once a week if that but Raduk has plans to ramp that up =)
Caveatum & Blhurr D'Vizhun.
[Image: glarebear_av.gif]
[Image: sterb037.gif]
Raduk seems to have a positive view and direction for this guild...don't get me wrong, I love PvP raiding, and the idea of joining a guild that actively participates in it is awesome, namely b/c at this level, that is half the fun ;P. I do love raiding though, and I expect that beyond the few that I know of that I raid with in this guild frequently, there are many more interested in getting more PvE involved, after all, better equipment means better pwnage in AV!!!!


Live and die for the horde--
The Arcane GOD has spoken!!!
Thanks for the invite guys, I am happy to be apart of your team. I couldn't find where I was supposed to post for access to guild forums, so I figured I would just post a request on this thread. Maybe I am just too tired to stay focused long enough to find it, oh well...to whoever moderates guild forums, please grand me access ;p

Live and die for the horde.
The Arcane GOD has spoken!!!

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