NAS or cloudstorage
Any of you use either a NAS or cloudstorage of any kind? What product and would you recommend it?
[should not have shot the dolphin]
Dustie has a NAS device he uses and likes though I don't know what kind it is. You might send him a PM as he hasn't been reading the forums lately. I know he can access it remotely, though, so it's kind of like a private cloud drive.

I've played around with the Amazon Cloud Drive (which is not the same as their cloud web services). Some notes about that:

* $1/GB/year. Basic plan is 20 GB, so $20/year.
* Music does not count against your storage, even if you ripped and uploaded it yourself. (Originally it had to be an Amazon music file but now it doesn't matter.)
* For uploading music they give you a program that makes it easy to send your whole music directory and all subfolders to the Cloud Drive.
* Uploading non-music files is not as easy. There's no way to just select a folder and upload it such that you get the folder and all contents, including sub-folders, as you can for music files. I wanted to upload my Java work folder which consists of many layers of subfolders and there was no one-click way to do that. I ended up putting it all into a ZIP file and then uploading that (which is fine, really -- I just wanted a point-in-time backup online).
* Amazon Cloud Player will let you access and stream or download your music files from your devices.
* For accessing non-music files, there's a web interface which is not that great.

I have to assume they plan to make non-music files as easy as music files but I can't imagine what the hold-up is.

So for music files I'd rate the Amazon Cloud Drive pretty highly, especially if you're like me and buy all your new music through Amazon anyway. All new purchases automatically go to your cloud drive.

For regular files, I'd rate it fairly low unless you just wanted something online to store ZIP files.
I use Microsoft Sky Drive, it's free :-)
[Image: Signature.jpg]
I would be interested in anyone that is using a NAS that works with xBox 360 as well as a PC / android etc. Currently I use a PC as a network file storage.
Maul, the Bashing Shamie

"If you want to change the world, be that change."

[Image: maull2.gif]
Amazon cloud drive (with 5GB) is free if you have Amazon prime - I use it myself.
Ex SWG, L2, CoH, Wow, and War
Currently PvPing in the stock market
If you just want songs google music is free for 20,000 tracks (it takes a bit of time to upload it all but once its there you can stream it all to your android or any pc you are operating, even an iphone through the browser)...

I still have 7 beta keys for that if anyone wants one.

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