A level 60 Shaman application.

I've remebered the Purge from way back on Vallon Zek as well. I was a lowbie bard the whole time so never quite felt worthy to join such a prestigous guild. Nevertheless, Xhaos, a recent member of yours I have grouped with in the past and would much enjoy grouping with some of your other fellow members. I'm of the same mindset in that I believe gear is mearly a tool to be able to pvp better (as is exp hence why I infested WSG since I was 51, but I digress). Regardless, I am now 60 and would like to be considered for a least a couple group invites so you can get to know me.

Thankyou for your time,
I never have anything clever to say...
Was inb wsg with Coram today...No compalints.

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