Application : Debor
Character name: Debor

Class: Shaman

Race: Orc

Level: 28

Playing Schedule: all day
M-F: *
Sat: *
Sun: *

Hello, i would like to join The Purge because from what i have heard it is a great guild, i recently quit alliance and I am now rolling Horde. I have a 60 warrior and a 38 rogue on the server Gorefiend (PvP) and I have done BWL and MC, my guild was the firs to take down the 2 bosses in BWL b4 any1 else. Also my guild ran Onyxia in 30 mins. I am bored with ALlianc so now i want to play a shaman which will be 60 very shortly, i play on him everyday so lvling shouldnt be that big of a problem. Please post or fell free to contact me in-game on what you think.

Thanks - Jacob.
Heya Debor, thanks for posting! I spoke with you in game, you sound like a decent enough guy ). The best thing you can do at this point is going to be to look for purge members around your level and let them know you're an app looking to join and get into their groups.
Gameless (for now)
Did some WSG with him today and chatted with him for a bit, seems like a good egg. I'll vouch for him, so since sub 50, let's invite prz.


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