60 Rogue DRAMIN
Hey All i have been a 60 rogue for a month or so now and looking for a fun guild that does end game things like WSG and MC all that kinda crap not to loot just to go and have a good time and say YES i was there when THE PURGE TOOK ONNY DOWN! just get all the stuff i paid for out of the game plus machtfeuer and i work together group together and i would like to roll with him. I grouped with a few people don't remember everyones name but we did a scholo run and all got kicked off that time the server decided to kcik 3/4 the players out ... sucked Tongue but ahh well. Personally i love doing stuff in game i enjoy helping a group of people crawl to get a key or item or attunment done. Im not really into waiting around for something to happen if nothing is going on i normally just Start a group to go run scholo or LBRS Grrr the gems for UBRS still elude me Tongue hehe. Anyways here are some stats.
Dramin 60 Rogue
Talents are 21/0/30 Imp sap premeditation cold blood stuff like that.
Professions leather working 300 elemental stormshroud including shoulders
Play from 5-10 every day week ends all day and night somethings Confusedhock: hope to hear from you all soon Big Grin
Dramin is awesome...I actually met him in game with Underworld, after starting to run a couple of instances with him, I came to find out through other coworkers that play the game that he worked here. He is a cool guy IMO both inside and outside of the game. He is highly familiar with the tactics I use in instances and is dedicated to becoming better equipped so that he can be more effective. He has a calm head for PvP, and has never allowed anyone with a red flag over their head to pass by him when he could stop it. He has been trying to get this application in for some time, but the link to this page from the home page has been down. He has my reccommendation anytime.

Live and die for the horde---
The Arcane GOD has spoken!!!
Had a blast on the pirate raid was a good time but no one replied to my post Tongue haha noo big deal. Thanks for the post Machtfeuer hope to be one of you guys soon and if rogues are locked out due to there being a ton of us i have a 30 priest i would like to join aswell. Anyhoot Laterz all

i doubt anyone will be locked ou.t I'm fairly certain that recruitment is primarily closed due to so many new members. However, axceptions can always be made

I'd say /who all purge as much as you can and find some groupages Smile

im on most evenings


I had a great time on the Pirate raid.. Dramin escorted me to the boat the one time. I couldn't find my way out of a wet paper bag on my own. Thanks for the help Dramin Smile You have my vote!

[Image: Kylipso.png]
Time is money, friend!
Make it a point to get involved in a few of our raids this weekend, I tentatively am planning an MC raid tomorrow at 6pm. Msg me in game so we can get you involved. Hell, message anyone in game, and we will get you involved in our raids, we will be shy people on tomorrows raid, so the more the merrier in my opinion.

Live and die for the horde---
The Arcane GOD has spoken!!!

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