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Don't fuck with a warlock in an enclosed space - Printable Version

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Don't fuck with a warlock in an enclosed space - Slamz - 04-11-2005

Man, I'm loving this warlock.

I go into a cave, fighting my way through nasty oozes looking for booze. Seriously, it was a quest to get liquor that was being guarded by vicious green ooze inside of a cave. I can't make this stuff up.

So anyway, I'm deep in the cave, I've finished off like the 25th ooze, still collecting the liquor I need and I turn around and there's a night elf druid fighting an ooze nearby. There's no enemies between me and her so I surmise she must have seen me and decided we should be friends, she'd fight over there and I'd fight over here and we'd all be happy together.

I'm an orc. I don't like night elves. With their stupid pointy ears and all tall and stuff, damn elves.

So I walk over and cast Fear on her. She goes running randomly around, into a couple more oozes. I put a Curse of Exhaustion on her so she can't run away very effectively and just watch as she gets eaten. I didn't even have to hit her. It's good to be the warlock.

I go back to fighting oozes and collecting booze.

She comes back. I spot her, she spots me spotting her, she blasts me with a Moonfire, I fear her again. Off she goes, running randomly around, gets attacked by about 3 more oozes and I just turn around and go back to what I was doing while she dies horribly somewhere up the ramp. Man it's good to kill people in 1 spell. I stopped paying attention halfway through the fight.

She comes back again. This time she's ready. She must have went to cat form and watched me from stealth mode because I was having a hairy situation dealing with a couple oozes. My pet was hurt, I was hurt, my mana was low, still got 1 ooze left to finish and she attacks me.

I cast Fear on her. She runs into an ooze. I use a healthstone to recover some hit points, drink a potion to recover some more, pop my Spellstone which gives me an anti-magic shield. I start healing my pet, who is keeping the last ooze busy. Fear wears off the druid and she's charging at me with 3 ooze hot on her heels, but she's blasting away at me. I fear her again, apply Curse of Exhaustion to snare her and go back to fixing my pet. I heard her pop into cat form and sprint for the exit but I don't know if she made it. I kind of doubt it. I helped my pet finish off the last ooze and went about my business. I wasn't nearly as weak as I looked, now I'm just annoyed that I had to drink a potion. Those things aren't free, you know!

Shortly thereafter I find the druid is back and she has a warrior with her this time. They're fighting an ooze. I sic my pet on her and for some reason she starts blasting it. I don't know why. It's a voidwalker, it's sort of meant to be blasted. I fear her, I fear the warrior, I curse her, I curse the warrior, I fear her, I fear the warrior. Night elves and humans and ooze running all over the place now. Pandamonium! They died.

Seriously, why would anyone attack a warlock in a place like that? It's paradise for me. I don't even have to hit you to kill you, I just have to make you run screaming around the cave so you piss off all the ooze, and they'll eat you. It's great!

Unfortunately, my pet got killed in the ensuing chaos and I ended up in a Warlock vs Ooze battle that turned into a marathon fight against 1, then another then another as they kept spawning on me. Without my pet, I was doomed. I died.

Luckily, I had Soulstoned myself earlier, meaning I could ressurect myself. Unforuntately I still won't have a pet, I'll have low health, low mana and the ooze will try to kill me again and the druid and warrior will probably be back any time now.

So I rise from the dead. Two ooze immediately try to eat me. I do a Howl and send both of them running off temporarily. I bandage myself. The ooze come back. I can only do a Howl every 40 seconds so I target one and cast Fear, then target the other and cast Fear, then start to run up the ramp. There's another Ooze in my way. I fear it. The two I first feared come back to attack me. I fear them. I make it to the cave exit, there's another ooze, I fear it. I fear one that jumps me from behind. I run out of the cave, into the daylight and make it to safety.

I tell you, it's good to be a warlock. Don't fuck with me inside of a cave filled with angry ooze monsters. They practically work for me.

- Kylipso - 04-12-2005

ROFLMAO! This also works great in Un'Goro crator, especially when a Devilsaur is near.

- Zeel - 04-12-2005

When ooze is your friend, I don't want to be your enemy Smile

lol - zelant - 04-29-2005

well thats pretty good 8) warlocks rule

- Thudz - 04-29-2005

Any Warrior that lets a Warlock fear them is an idiot. We have many skills that make us Immune to fear and one skill called Bezerker Rage that cancels Fear and makes use Immune for 10 more seconds. Not to mention he could have Intimidating Shouted your pet and sent YOU feared around agroing Oozes. I hate incompetent Warriors. Smile

You need to hit 60 so we can PvP together.

- Paene - 05-03-2005


- Chain - 06-06-2005

Lets talk about the time a rogue two levels above me jumped me in Zoram'Gar.
He sees me, knows I don't see him (dam stealth) waits untill I am about to cast Holy Fire on a naga (since then I've respeced and gotten rid of that. The best pulling spell in game, but totaly useless otherwise.) He apparently dosn't realize it's a 4 second cast and stuns me before I get it off. I was soloing melee mobs, so I have inner fire, shadow shield, and soul shield up. That gets me though the first round. I cast psycic scream, send him running into two mobs, dot him, hex him, re-shield, he dosn't touch me again before he dies.
Priests are -not- easy HK dammit, even the holy speced ones. I plan on pwning any allys I see untill I prove my point.

Dam priests like CKay dragging our PvP reputation though the mud... :wink:

- Raejin - 08-03-2005

Yea warriors have 2 immunities to fear by default, 3 with talents, 4 with blacksmithy. That guy was kinda daft.

It also doesn't work when you get high level and everyone has a pvp trinket. But it's awesome while it lasts!

- Zetor - 08-09-2005

Wellll.. to be fair, assuming the warrior was in battlestance, he could only break fear with a blacksmithy trinket (he probably wasn't a smith, or didn't have it equipped) or Death Wish (which is a talent deep in the fury tree, not many spec for it). He can't change stances to berserker to break while feared, either. However, if a warrior gets the jump on a lock, it's mortal strike chop chop time... usually mercifully short. (I'm looking at YOU, Hoofhurr Big Grin)

Fearing people into devilsaurs is fun, though! That is, if it works. *mumble mumble* friggin undead *mumble mumble* Tongue


-- Z.
(token gnome forum spy)

- OrsunVZ - 08-09-2005

A gnome made it passed our outer defenses! wth?!

Zaphir you shoulda played a hordie!

Hiya doing btw? =)

- Zetor - 08-09-2005

Come now, if JM went horde, who'd be our nemesis then? It'd cause a rip in the fabric of space-time! Or something. Tongue
[nothing but respect for ya guys, the Purge tag means I'm in for a good fight... even though I usually lose... hee hee.]


-- Z.
"Have you done bad things to a Decursive user today?"

- OrsunVZ - 08-09-2005

Well we appreciate the visit all the same. See you on the field!

- Latency - 08-09-2005

Though it's a month or four late, methinks that said warlock was fighting oozes in Wailing Caverns (since that's the only booze quest with ooze around I can imagine)...meaning the warrior was probably level 20ish and probably too newb to be able to solo the berserker stance quest. :/

Unless I'm totally wrong, which is likely going to be a common event when I poke around on other guild's forums. Tongue

- Zetor - 08-10-2005

@Orsun: <3. Not sure about you seeing me though -- as a rogue I'm somewhat paranoid in AV... I sap because I can't really do much else with 800 ping! So if you're randomly sapped during a push, remember, "I sap because I love". Tongue

@Latency: Well, a warlock has to be at least level 30 to have Curse of Exhaustion... and I believe WC is high teens - low twenties (besides, the druid couldn't have attacked first in catform if it was a horde area... unless the lock was still flagged?). But yeah, warriors get the 'zerker quest at 30.


-- Z.

- Breand - 10-05-2005

Latency Wrote:Though it's a month or four late, methinks that said warlock was fighting oozes in Wailing Caverns (since that's the only booze quest with ooze around I can imagine)...meaning the warrior was probably level 20ish and probably too newb to be able to solo the berserker stance quest. :/

Unless I'm totally wrong, which is likely going to be a common event when I poke around on other guild's forums. Tongue

Nah he's defnitely talking about a quest in the Hinterlands. decent sized cave with oozes everywhere that have a very quick respawn time. And you have to loot crates that have booze in them. Its in the high 40s level range.