7 days
Tip: When you scrap things you lose 30% so toss em straight in the forge to recycle ala Doorknobs etc
Alpha 19.1 Stable is out!
Here are the full Official Release Notes and the forum bug reporting pool links.

Official Alpha 19 Release Notes

Alpha 19.1 Bug Reporting Pool

Alpha 19.1 Official Release Notes


Player side stepping while on ladders
Players falling onto ladders will be slowed until they reach a reasonable speed to attach
Support defining POI zones in Prefab Editor
Set entity rigid body drag to .25 when spawned with 0
Death ragdoll physics set max velocities lower
20 Slot Toolbelt for Prefab Editor
New Stripper, Utility, and Business zombies


Improved AI ladder use
Ladder type blocks to only be climbable when vertical
Increased player horizontal move speed on ladders and running boosts
Jumping conflicts with starting to climb a ladder
Console command replies on the Windows Dedicated Server terminal window same green as regular console output now
Loot window of writable storage box shows custom text if assigned
Reduced zombie flesh physics bounce and increased fat bounce
Increased toolbelt size to 10 slots
Increased value of cigars
Reenabled docks_02 in Navezgane


Switch lights do not seem to be working when they are placed.
Switches that are turned on will be white when logging back into the game
Fixed light source on player industrial light
First person hand animation for block placing is faster and doesn't de sync with fast placed blocks
Stone axe abledo brightness
Trees are invisible from one side and not the other
Object quality diminishes world object render distance too far
Cops and Radiated Cops aim poorly (Increased vomit radius)
Soldier zombie only shows head on fire
Goldenrod seed uses full grown stage ghost when planting (and similar drawing bugs in other plants)
Block placement would start rotated for certain blocks
Broken glass looked white when holding
AI jumping at you thinking the path to you was unreachable if you had moved
AI could not jump while on a ladder
AI obstacle check was disabled on ladder if not climbing
AI pathing not making horizontal ladder connections
AI pathing making unneeded inside drop connections
"house_modern_03" has zombie trapped in tub if/when spawned
Trader hughes poi has missing beam
Terrain AirPocket in cave_04
House_old_victorian_10 fire place paint looks out of place
Player jumping to a ladder block after having used a ladder would not attach unless jump was still pressed after entering the ladder block
Player or AI moving down from air to a ladder would fall 1m
Player moving down to ground while in a ladder block would keep you attached (slow)
Holding jump after attaching to a ladder slowly slides you down
Player does not use stamina when bunny hopping
Ladder rung above hay bale negates hay bale protection
Water makes moving dots effect
HUD timers overlap icons with local language changes
Prefab Editor nullref when toggling 'Show Stability Glue'
"ERR Prefab loading failed" when clients join a world with a custom POI
Toolbelt only remembers one slot per item type to return to (e.g. multiple spears)
Controller unable to select player profile character
onSelfEquip event consistency issues
Harvest animation plays when out of range to harvest
Healing other player is not working
Food animation speeds up after firing any weapon
Deployed robotic sledge animation doesn't have firing sound(s) for clients
Deployed robotic sledge animation doesn't fire correctly for clients
AP rounds not working as expected
Robotic sledge placement can be rotated using reload key during placement process
Junk Sledge dupe on 2 player pickup
Auto turret and traps use mod of item held in hand. ie. burning shaft mod
Spawning in a trader with ctrl num* causes nre
Error if anim pause (ctrl num*) enabled when placing robotic turrets
Dynamic resolution causes Z selection box issues
Floating crawler stumble
Zombies fall through floor/world when jumping over metalRailing blocks
Knocked down Fat Cops play a weird ragdoll
Bear corpse harvest ragdoll is excessive
Bear ragdoll hips could keep moving and improved impact handling
Lab and Hazmat zombie show no fire when burning
Robotic Turret freezing game when shooting a block and having 0 BlockPenetrationFactor


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