The Purge

Full Version: Inyogrille 60 rogue!
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Hiya! Purge!

Well lets get things started.

Name: Inyogrille ( Bo in RL)

Class: Rogue


Keys: MC,BWL, working on test of skulls for ONY, would love to group the Purge to finish this.

Fire Resistance: 79 (when I get some essence of fire to make volcanic gear)

Talent Build: 22/7/22 (willing to respec)

Professions: 225 enchanting, 295 Elemental Leatherworking

Previous guilds: Hooligan, Furvos Latros, Dark Chaos, Chilled, Super Criminals

Why you left/kicked: Hooligan-disbanded, Furvos Latros- had problem with leader, Dark Chaos-disbanded, Chilled-Former GM merged into super criminals, Super Criminals- Didn't feel i liked the members too much.

Why the purge?: Loved playing WSG with you guys, so organized. Really fun people! The guys in purge are very cool and nice. Would like to hit up the endgame. And have a Blast!!!

About me: I love sports, I play 'em as well as study them. I know so much about pro sports it scares me. I'm a decent rogue that likes to help out when needed, not running away from protecting the flag etc... And I will try to help the guild as much as I can.

Ty The Purge for looking at my app!
Did you forget that you apped already? ;p

Recruitment is closed currently.
Breand Wrote:Did you forget that you apped already? ;p

Recruitment is closed currently.

I don't recall me putting an app up. And I just wanted to get my name out there.
O hahaha. That must of been my friend. Ya see, I was in Egypt at that time XD. He just played while I was gone hehe. And that must of been him cause I was 56 when I left and was 60 when i returned.
Multiple people playing your account does not really factor in your favor, since we're recruiting people, not characters.

Anyway, recruitment is still in a closed state for now.
You app much better than him. Shouldn't have let him play!
Yeah this app is better the 2nd time round, but mutlipple people playing the same account is a recipe for very very bad things.

I enjoyed playing with you in those WSG matches too, and you seem like a decent enough fellow, but honestly account sharing is something we simply dont want to take the risk on (this comes from far too many bad experiences over the many years that the MMO vets of this guild have had).
ya I understand, but before you cancel me out, the only reason he played my guy is because he canceled his and now he has back so he doesnt play mine. But is K can ya remove this app plz? ty