The Purge

Full Version: Looking to Join Guild =)
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*Who we are (besides being hubby & wife)

Tigerlilee (onyxia priest) & (crushridge shaman)... Christa (age 26)
Sebashton (onyxia mage) & (crushridge hunter)... Dustin (age 27)

*Why we want to join <Purge>

You know it is hard to feel comfortable and find the right people on the right guild. Lets face it when you live on a island and this is it it your guildies become 2nd family. We just started playing so we have been just watching around at ppl and their tags and how the act. We actually play 15 warlocks on another server. Our RL Friends with Decrepancy(onyxia) - Blackudder(crushridge) and Triqreen(onyxia) told us to join their server and check out the PvP in this game and come here and join this guild.

*Experience on MMORPGs

We played 2 characters lev60&40 on FFXI, 4 characters that were Jedi/Master Armor/Weapons/Dancer/Doctor on SWG, 12 characters Lev 30s in EQ2

*What we are looking for

Basically a guild that is easygoing and not full of gankin jerks. We played on SWG and when Jedi first came out they made it so weak that someone in their first day would kill one. I had no combat as I crafted for our city and guild and would be ganked non-stopped. We really havent PvP since but I am looking to go on raids and check it out and I am hoping with all the good things Decrepancy has said that this is the guild that will turn my hubby's thoughts around on PvP.

*How often we play

We live in Kodiak Alaska. So this is our time but we play 12a-4a but could be up to 8a. Then as soon as we get up anywhere from 10a-4p unless off of work then pretty much all day with breaks here and there since we have a 5 month old son Sebastian.

Well hope this covers everything. Look forward in hearing from you. I know we are low level like level 5 but we are working on leveling them up and like i said prior we just started this character on this server we had been playing on a different server. We started playing Sunday 8th. It was my bday present as my bday was Tuesday 10th.
Hi there! The Purge isn't exactly active in WoW atm. Some of us are playing alts on Onyxia and a few of us are eyeing the expansion and may come back to CR when it is released. I recommend checking back with us around the expansion time or joining us on Onyxia.
or joining us on Onyxia

im confused i am on onyxia

Tigerlilee(me) = priest and Sebashton(hubby) = mage
hehe well I Stopped playing on Onyxia! Sorry for the confusion.
I think a lot of people stopped playing on Onyxia. Crushridge is very active again, though.

Yeah, we've decided to stay on Crushridge for the expansion, and many of us have moved back over to CR to prepare for it.

Sorry for the confusion though.