The Purge

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I think I might do that to mine too. Big Grin

Your Fired Zarella. I seen your Merry Christmas sig on the UnF boards. Why isn't it on ours? :twisted:
Ack... no... our boards must remain PG-13... we have too many families in the guild...

ps... i do enjoy the sig though...

HAHA the sig is gone now!

Holidays are over...folks are returning back to work...

And no, I'd never subject another guild's board to my racy sigs. I actually got a sig banned from the prexus world forums was even better than the holiday sig! I won't post it, but it was *two* hot chicks. RAWR!
Hey Z how are you?

Well since your prowling around I have a question. What's UnF's official stance on the "Truce" for opening AQ?
Quote:Well since your prowling around I have a question. What's UnF's official stance on the "Truce" for opening AQ?

haha Smile I've been sending PMs to Sorna and Rallick about trying to coordinate a joint raid to gank alliance in Silithus!

At first, I was almost suckered into the whole truce thing...and I was like "YEAH LETS DO THIS!!!! CR WILL BE FIRST TO OPEN THE GATES WOOT!!!" but then I read the threads yesterday and thought about it and I was like...hey...wait a minute here...FUCK THOSE GUYS. Lets gank em!
I would not be opposed to trying to organize a AV game with Purge and UNF people, and helping run it. If there is any interest on either side let me know.

Hell I'm interested Karne )
Karne Wrote:I would not be opposed to trying to organize a AV game with Purge and UNF people, and helping run it. If there is any interest on either side let me know.


That sounds like fun to me, Karne. You can count me in.
Definately interested!