The Purge

Full Version: Taurictalic, Doogies Bro, still wanting in on the fun
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Alright, whose ass do i gotta beat to join? I applied a few weeks ago and since then i've joined in on a couple raids with the purge and i truely hope to some day be label as a member of the purge. If you were to ask anyone i've ever gamed with in BG's/instances/anything with teamwork they would all say i make a difference out there. I honestly believe i would be benificial to your guild and if I didn't I wouldn't have even applied... besides who else do you know that knows all of Shaun A.K.A Doogie's deepest darkest secrets than his own brother and is willing to give you every grousm detail? You can expect to be hearing more from me. P.S. good job on the sword from onyxia the other day, quite the task that is.
Give us more secrets on him!
Yes yes we demand the dirt!!!
He's still not in, no loving 4 u guys!
Gnar... just have him log in and tell an officer when you get him on... we'll get him invited.

Ok thx sorna :wink: i was about to send him to Gvillians. JK!
... pshhhh whatevah. Gvillians in the hizzouse! REPRESENT BITCH!