Did you guys try Holdfast?
I was Interested in this one.
Picked this one up on Steam Sale for ~$8. Fun shooter game.

Playing as a WW1 soldier I believe, single shot rifle, 5 round mag. Pretty arcade, but fun. Arty is guess and check. Front line medic is probably my favorite so far, but lobbing a grenade into an enemy trench or held building is fun too. Wouldn't pay full price, but good for a sale.

Guild Wars 2 - Green Wolfe (Warrior), Purple Wolfe (Mesmer), Fire Wolfe (Elementalist)
Life is Feudal - WolfesBAN GreenSon, Wolfeena GreenSon, Wolfee GreenSon
Heroes & Generals - WolfesBane
Haven't tried it. I am looking for something to play.

I played it for about 4 hrs yesterday. Played the Napoleon Wars and WW1 versions. It wasn't Planetside 2 good, but I could see how it would be fun for a small group or a bunch or re-enactors.

Napoleon Wars
Capture the Flag and Battlefield (Seems like Deathmatch) 30-40 min each (150 ppl max servers, even teams)
Classes are capped at a certain number per map. ie 6 Officers, 2 Light Cav, 6-9 Artillery, 9 Riflemen, 100+ slots for Rank and File, other classes like drummers, specialists too
-Officers- have whistles, pistol, saber, and can create spawn points
-Cav- Charging speed with lance in front or slower with side swings
-Directional blocks and swings for sabers and bayonets
Accuracy is bad. When they said don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes, they meant it. I was sandbagging a lot of shots, firing at close range once, and charging with melee. I think reload was about 12 sec, so shots matter. A lot of people haven't played mount and blade, so you can grab some kills in close.
I didn't mess with artillery much, but it looked like you can create little bunker bases on some maps. You start out with a cannon and can create some swivel guns. Very slow reloading.

Played mostly capture the flag. 150 cap again.
Classes- Officer, Medic, Engineer, Basic grunt, Artillery
-Officers- spawn table, handgun, sword I believe
-Medic- can heal others and slow cooldown for self heal. Headshots can kill, but not all lethal
-Engineer- Can put down wire, sandbags, machine gun
-Rank and file- has 2 grenades
-Artillery- first dibbs on mortars and howitzers, very guess and check, don't think I got any kills with mortar. Howitzer was some multi kills on flag area with HE ammo, also has smoke bombs.
Accuracy is still pretty bad. Machine guns can wipe whole units. Officer squads are capped with each class only having so many tied to a spawn area, ie 1 medic.

Guild Wars 2 - Green Wolfe (Warrior), Purple Wolfe (Mesmer), Fire Wolfe (Elementalist)
Life is Feudal - WolfesBAN GreenSon, Wolfeena GreenSon, Wolfee GreenSon
Heroes & Generals - WolfesBane
I usually play Heroes and Generals when I want a quick game, but this may take its place. I like that your shots matter. Some of the maps are pretty terrible though. I wouldn't treat it like a serious in it to win it game, just a Call of Duty game to burn some time and have some fun.

Guild Wars 2 - Green Wolfe (Warrior), Purple Wolfe (Mesmer), Fire Wolfe (Elementalist)
Life is Feudal - WolfesBAN GreenSon, Wolfeena GreenSon, Wolfee GreenSon
Heroes & Generals - WolfesBane
Very quick to action game. Tried it for 30-40 minutes. Exactly as Wolfe put it. I found it fun but could see much more success with a cohesive/ organized small group.

I tried the Naval Attack on a fort - 1700's? maybe. Variety of ships, rowboats with cannon, swivels, and rocket sticks. Marines, Sailors, etc.
Played this with Kiefer last night. “Believe” it highlights Steam friends on mini map. We were able to see each other in close proximity as yellow instead of green. We were taking riflemen or light skirmishers and harassing the flanks.

Played some Dragoon a little afterwards. Haven’t gotten the knack for the pointed lance charge yet. Feels like the horse is slow. I’ll have to race to get the Hussar class and see if the horses are the same speed/same sword attacks instead of just a difference in rifle/pistol.

Guild Wars 2 - Green Wolfe (Warrior), Purple Wolfe (Mesmer), Fire Wolfe (Elementalist)
Life is Feudal - WolfesBAN GreenSon, Wolfeena GreenSon, Wolfee GreenSon
Heroes & Generals - WolfesBane
Seems the NA crowd is in the range of 200-250 most nights for the napoleon version. A lot more for the WW1 servers. The community is small enough that you recognize some names. The 8th regiment is terrible. They just run around doing stupid stuff. The C/B guys are pretty organized.

I’ve spent whole games on a flank killing cav or riflemen to the point where they actively hunt for you. The little duels between players amongst the big battle are one of the things I like best about the game. It reminds me of the little bit I played cRPG. Killing a “named” enemy is always a thrill.

Guild Wars 2 - Green Wolfe (Warrior), Purple Wolfe (Mesmer), Fire Wolfe (Elementalist)
Life is Feudal - WolfesBAN GreenSon, Wolfeena GreenSon, Wolfee GreenSon
Heroes & Generals - WolfesBane
The game definitely rewards organization. The few fights where there was a competent cat herder, and got 10-20 of us operating as a unit, paid off a lot. It can quickly go to shit though once you respawn. Firing in unison (old school musket line) is very effective. LOL, very obvious when you are the recipient of the volley or a participant in the volley. Melee- is almost exactly like Mount and Blade... just don't remember being that bad at it, as it seems I am in this game, lol. Human vs Human could be the problem for me, lol.
Had fun with this couple nights ago. Kiefer, me, and another guy were sailing around a rocket boat. We managed to get on the stern of a 50 gun frigate and decimated it. Both ships were undermanned. Ferg and Kiefer were blasting rockets while we were taking fire from a cannon and a lot of angry guys with muskets. Some were jumping off trying to board so we were having to occasionally run to a side mounted swivel to grapeshot. It was comical, but definitely a blast.

Guild Wars 2 - Green Wolfe (Warrior), Purple Wolfe (Mesmer), Fire Wolfe (Elementalist)
Life is Feudal - WolfesBAN GreenSon, Wolfeena GreenSon, Wolfee GreenSon
Heroes & Generals - WolfesBane

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