Id like to apologize for being a whining drama queen, but besides other reasons it was hard to get a group because i was 1 out of 1231235523 shamen in the guild, which is alot of the problem. I didnt realize when i started that 1/3 of the server would be shamen. Anyway, i have no interest in playing if not in Purge and want to say sorry to anyone i offended.
Raon Wrote:I think the thing that really broke the limit is when i see a guildmate asking in guildchat if anyone wanted to do such and such dungeon. I mention that i would do it, or any other dungeon they wanted to do. At first i get no response, so i ask again. Then i get a response, 'i dont know if we are going to do anything now.' So i figure fine, we can wait to see what people are doing and fill out the group. I wait 10 more mins, and respond again, 'have we figured out what we are going to do', but that person is now 'afk.' So i go get a drink, watch some tv, and come back 10 mins later. Checking to see if that person is still afk, i do a /who. To my surprise, the person is in the dungeon he was talking about. I then do a /who purge, and there are exactly 4 more purge in that same dungeon.

This is clearly addressed to me. I asked in guildchat if anyone wanted to do DM west. I just gotten done doing it and my group was disbanding and I wanted to go again. Things move fast in the digital world. You sent me a tell but pretty much at the same time so did several other people with several different agendas. I reply to you that I don't know if we are going to do anything now because everyone wants to do different things and at that time I couldn't seem to get a group going. I go afk and during that time Skaag sends me a tell and an invite to a group that contains him, Maul and Aijo. When I get back I join up with them and by that time I've totally forgotten that you sent me a tell at all. We hire Zylferr a druid when he logs on and start to do a run. The group was me shaman shaman rogue druid. Already pretty healer heavy imo but somehow we made it work.

This is par for the course how my evenings go when I'm playing. I'm usually in an instance or pvping, replying to guildchat, party chat, and having long running conversations with at least 2 people. Sometimes I forget things because there is so much going on so I apologize to you. I should have told you as soon as I found out that I was accepting the invite to Skaag's group and that a third shaman in the group was probably going to make it inviable.

But you bring up to really good points that I'd like to address as well that I don't feel are specific to this scenario but are important overarching issues.

Yes it's going to be harder for you to get into groups..

1) It's human nature that I'm pulled to grouping with the same people I have always grouped with because I know that they are competent players, put up with how I do things (I can be silly and abrasive) and tend to share the same goals I share. It's often frustrating for me to group with people I haven't grouped with before because I have to adjust to their egos or methods of operation. I thought I was doing a decent job though of inviting anyone that was interested in grouping to do stuff.

2) There are many shaman in the clan compared to other classes and while you can get away with 2 in a group due to their overwhelming versatility; three shaman in a level 60 instance such as DM west is going to handicap the group. This is simply an artifact of class ratios within the clan and I've argued that point before. Fortunately for you, in most raids you want at least 1 shaman per group and you can't say that about any other class.

So to sum it all up I apologize for perpetuating a misunderstanding by not being more responsive. Someone might call my bluff but I do try and do my best to give everyone what they want when they want it. For some reason, I find myself juggling a lot of people's interests whenever I'm online and I let the ball drop on this one. It was definitely nothing personal and it wasn't because I don't care. I'd love to group with you sometime and nothing makes me happier when you invite me to a group with 4 people in it with a clear goal in mind and all you need is a tank.

See you in game.

Edit: I hope you realize how much better things would have been had you posted this before you left the clan. Leaving and then explaining your situation is akin to pulling the trigger and then asking questions.

I'm not sure why your access was removed I didn't know anything about it nor do I have the authority to do that.
Caveatum & Blhurr D'Vizhun.
[Image: glarebear_av.gif]
[Image: sterb037.gif]

Did you bring up any of your points with an officer before leaving? It's too bad that you just got frustrated one night and quit. That's not the best way to resolve an issue though. We did notice you left; there was chatter in the officer's board about it but nobody knew why you left.

The Purge has gotten huge. This time last year there was like a grand total of 8 active people. At this point we just can't take the time to deal with one person's drama. If you want to talk about something, we all will be willing to talk with you. However, if someone just up and quits, we can't really drop everything and investigate the reason.

As for why your access to the boards was revoked, I cannot comment on that. Zim is the only one that can controll access, so you'd have to talk to him.
I removed access from Members since I was online when you quit the guild and you didn't say anything, so I had no idea what was up.

At the time you left the guild, I was solo PK'ing in Plaguelands. I have a level 40 Warlock now, too. It's definiately true that we have too many shaman and while it's true that forming a 5-man DM group with 2 shaman can work, 3 is probably pushing it. Sometimes *I* get left out and I'm the guildleader! Too many shaman.

Which is why I was PK'ing in Plaguelands.

I would hope that when Purge people have a hard time finding a group, they'd take more to PvP. It was sort of the point in picking a PvP server: something fun to do between groups. The whole point, I thought, of getting good gear was to use it on night elves as frequently as possible.

Squeezing extra shaman into a UBRS raid is pretty easy. We frequently have 4 shaman in a 15 man raid. But single grouping Scholomance or DM makes it harder to form groups and a lot of times you just have to PvP or level an alt. My alt being level 40 ought to tell you a lot about that.

We haven't shut down recruitment for any classes (though we've talked about it) because we're all still holding out for battlegrounds.

There's gonna come a day when PvP Honor is implemented and Battlegrounds are in and suddenly there will be no such thing as "too many shaman" or "too many rogues". 1 or 2 shaman can join a DM group and the rest of us can go earn loot on the Battleground.

If you wanna come back and wait for that day, you're welcome to. You can certainly join me PK'ing in the plaguelands or leveling an alt while we wait for Blizzard to deliver on its release day promises.
I'll tell ya this much Raon...I enjoyed the groups I had with you. True...I don't think there were 'that' many of them. But I think it was a definitely good Temple run we had. Level differences might have had something to do with it for some of the times leveling up.

Do I disagree with your assessment? I dunno Tongue Probably post something about that in another section.

I know I'd prefer to see ya back with a <The Purge> Title.
ESO - Rallick of Purge (Sorceror) - The Purge (and various others)
RIFT - Rallock (Cleric) - Virus (Deepwood)
WAR - Rallick (ArchMage) - The Purge
WoW - Rallick/Mootendo - The Purge
EQ - Nintelten <Defiant>
I'd like to see you back as well, Raon. I'm sorry you've had a frustrating time, and I'll happily group up with you anytime.
Ex SWG, L2, CoH, Wow, and War
Currently PvPing in the stock market
This is a difficult post to respond to, and i'm not really good with the written word, but i'll give it a shot.

"I think the main reason I left was because it just didnt feel like i was part of the guild at all. For a long time I noted that others were doing different things and I was never invited to go do these things with guild groups. I saw plenty of other people grouping just fine, and I began to feel like nobody really cared if I was in the guild or not." - Raon

"So anyway, if you have read this far, i just wanted to say thank you for confirming what i have thought for the past month. I had never really intended to leave and was just frustrated one night, but now i see that nobody really gives a shit." - Raon

On the contrary, everyone cared that you were a part of the guild. I guess it's hard for me to fathom how you could have thought otherwise. I've never heard one cross word about you, nor have I heard anything even remotely derogatory about your playstyle and character. About the only thing i've ever heard anyone say is "he's a little intense", which I assumed meant you like to move at a fast pace through instances. That's it. Everything else was positive.

It's easy to see why you thought no one cared that you left the guild, because you couldn't see /guildchat anymore when you removed your characters. People were asking why you did it, and i'm sure people tried to send you /tells right after you did so. I know I did, but you logged off immediately afterwards so I couldn't. I'm no mind reader, but my first thought was "man, he must be really pissed off about something". But I was determined to talk to you, so I did a /who Raon and /who Roag the next day when I logged on. Still no one popped up. So I started doing some things and got tied up, but as luck would have it, you offered to rez me when you came across my body in WPL. That's when we had our brief chat. And that's when you made it clear just why you left. I still remember what you said, plain as day, when I asked you why you guildremoved yourself:

"If you can't find a group, why have a guild at all?"

Okay, i'm no pussy, but that hurt a bit. Yes, guilds are used for finding groups. But I always thought that a guild was more than that. I thought that the reason people have guilds is for comraderie and to be associated with like-minded players. I thought the reason people have guilds is to laugh, to reminisce about days gone by, and to share things. I thought the reason people have guilds is because we enjoy each others company. After all, when you boil it down, isn't a guild nothing more than a chatroom populated by people you've come to know over the years from playing games like these? And isn't it a chance to meet new people, too--people you'll never get to meet in real life more than likely, but are still real nonetheless? Sure it is. Well, according to me, anyway. I guess that's why it stung when you said that.

So I ended our conversation with "well, take care and we miss you", which is true, I guess, but to be honest I really didn't want to keep the conversation going. I felt, I dunno, insulted in a way. I always believed that we were online buds. Yeah, maybe we didn't group all the time but we surely have before. And I seem to recall us having a few laughs over my redneck accent on Teamspeak and poking fun at Jawc before doing Maraudon. I guess it's hard to explain this to you if all you really believe a guild to be is nothing more than a collection of potential groups. It may even seem a bit silly to you, I reckon. Oh well. I still consider you an online friend. If you don't think of me as one, that's cool. I understand completely.

There's really nothing more I can add here, but suffice to say that you are wrong if you believe your leaving the guild didn't affect any of us. We enjoyed having you around. Maybe we could have said it more, but that's all water under the bridge at this point, and besides, we shouldn't have to say such things. You should already know it to be true the minute you log on and say "hello" in guildchat.

Anyhow, best of luck to ya, Raon.
The CK Machine
[Image: HWL.gif]
I think we all have our moments of moodiness, or temporary insanity. If you quit the guild to make a point, you made it. I wasn't there when this stuff happened. I also wasn't there when Chord made his decision to go. But I am glad he is back, and I would be happy if you came back as well, Raon.
[Image: Kylipso.png]
Time is money, friend!
This may sound a bit dick-ish, but I feel it needs to be said.

This is the second time we have had drama of this sort, and both times were because the people involved chose not to say anything or talk to anyone about it.

I can not stress enough that /guildremove is NOT the answer. If you have a problem talk to one of the officers. What good is it to get pissed off until it boils over and you end up quitting. Completely counter-productive. Problems don't get fixed if no one knows they exist. We are all adults here... trust in your guildmates to do their best to solve a problem.

People have to realize that we are now a ~100 person guild... along with a lot of cool people to hang out with comes the difficulties of having that many differing personalities in the same place. There will be issues, disagreements, etc. Without communication things can go to shit very quickly. If you have a problem... talk to someone about it... don't bottle it up. That doesn't do anyone any good.

Rift - Sornas | Warrior
GA - Sornas | Recon/Robotics
WoW - Sornas | Blood Elf Death Knight (Retired)
WoW - Sorna | Undead Priest (Retired)
WAR - Anros | Dwarf Engineer (Retired)
Lineage 2 - Anika | Silver Ranger (Retired)
EQ - Durgin Bladestorm | Dwarf Warrior (Retired)

I am very sorry i was busy when you msged me the night you left purge. I have always enjoyed grouping with you, and have learned lots about my class and the instances in this game by being in those groups desipte their problems.

The other night was unfortunately the same night a new roommate moved in to my house, so i was definitely coming and going from the keyboard. Ive been looking for you online since to say, at the very least "hello." Should you not come back to wow or cr, i'll take this time to say "thank you" for the good times gettin up in the levels. I still remember when i was ahead of you by level, and then one day you passed me up like a freight train straight to 60.

Take Care,


Next time when you have some steam to vent off or have a concern with anything guild related give me a tell and we can talk. There was no need for you to leave like that. What people have to understand is /guildremove should be permenant. Not something you do on a whim and can just undo. I'm willing to vote to have you back in Purge, if thats what you want, because I get pissed just as fast as the next guy. But next time you leave it's for life.

If there's room, every Purge is welcome in my group. Hell I'll 5 man DM with all Warriors if that's all I can get.
I agree...

Im sorry ya felt sligthed that I didnt send ya an email, but everytime I saw ya I know for a fact I acknowlegeded ya..

I recall bagging oin yer gay french beret...

Dont what to say to ya Raon..I was upset ya left. You may fell lsighted because people didnt give you the attention you felt you deserved..and you may be right.

Ill say this. This guild is a place where my friends for the past 5 years have been gaming (not IRL friends, but on line friends). I dont come here or log on with expectations, but when I do log on and I happen to get in a group with these people I have chosen to "game" with I'm glad to do so. On occasion I log on and said parties are tied up or already buried in some endeavour.

My first inclination is not to take it personally , but it is..darn...I missed em. Thats it. I can safely say...NO ONE sought to exclude you, no one sought to ostracize you. It was a matter of poor timing and bad circumstance.

If you have been around these guys for any length of time you come to know that almost any of them (time permitting) will bend over backwards to help you. Cripes, I posted a msg on the guild board about scholomance one time...I got a phone call at home asking if I was gonna be at my own raid...(I was stuck in traffic) When I got to the published raid we had close to 4 groups.

I like ya a ton Raon, but if yer asking anyone to feel bad that you felt "left out" I just dont buy it. Rarely does anyone who is "vociferous" about needing help or wanting a group doesnt get it.

I'd like to see ya come back, but I;m not sure thing swould be any different. If ya have a gripe..Let it be known. just ditching the guild is not a proactive method of addressing any problems at all.

My 34 cents..

Since we raid so much and until recently we didn't have caps on the raid size I find it hard to believe you couldn't find guild groups post 54. If you aren't it may not be the guilds fault, it may be yours.

You might have to explain better on what your definition of not finding guild groups actually is. I invited you to events a couple of times and once I never even got a response.

If anyone isn't finding a group it's their own fault not the guilds. It is to darn easy to pre-set up some raid/exp group to an instant. It may mean going somewhere on Tuesday that you don't want to go to so in return on Thursday they go to your place. So be it, get creative. This is the easiest of all the previous games in finding a group.

Their are way to many raids and members that to me anyone has any excuse as to not finding a group. I am not saying that their won't be nights that you won't but unless your playing time is different I just don't understand your complaint.

Maybe their are other issues?

I love you Raon. Smile
Paene: Level 60 Undead Rogue
"The Rogue is a profession, not a class"
"Knowledge is Power"
[Image: paene.png]

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