12-07-2011, 11:01 PM
Hello everyone, first an foremost awesome job on the recruitment info. Loved the comic cutout, I am always up for a fight against 10,000 foul mouthed teenagers with just 1 other person. I'm currently a member of the Alpha team an would like to continue playing with them and all of you in the pursuit of perfection. I just started my guardian a couple days ago he's only lvl 24 Rogue with intentions of boosting him up fast. I have every proff. possible most maxed 300 self reliant and capable on defiant side, within in the next couple hours/days two more Alpha players will be applying as well, good friends of mine. there names are Thunderbump and Jesco on guardian side. Were all mainly pvp oriented with a touch of pve to make our pvp better. Looking forward to be re-united with Agramon / Mariselle and many more people with similar goals.
My mmo history started with Lineage 2(77 Titan/75 HE noble) back when max lv was 78 then moved onto WoW for a short while end game raiding. Also played AOC, Warhammer, Aion and now Rift. I'm 30 yrs old an sacrificed a great job in MN to move back to NY an help take care of my old man hes been living with MS for over 20 yrs. My play times are consistent mon - thurs 5pm est - 11 or 12, weekends i am usually on more cept friday i dont play at all (most weeks) Thank you for your time
Defiant toons - Larnak R7Rogue Asidius R5Cleric Gordimus lvl42 Warrior
My mmo history started with Lineage 2(77 Titan/75 HE noble) back when max lv was 78 then moved onto WoW for a short while end game raiding. Also played AOC, Warhammer, Aion and now Rift. I'm 30 yrs old an sacrificed a great job in MN to move back to NY an help take care of my old man hes been living with MS for over 20 yrs. My play times are consistent mon - thurs 5pm est - 11 or 12, weekends i am usually on more cept friday i dont play at all (most weeks) Thank you for your time
Defiant toons - Larnak R7Rogue Asidius R5Cleric Gordimus lvl42 Warrior